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Provides Testimony In

Psychologist, Psychology, Eating Disorders, Marriage Counseling, Stress Reduction, Anxiety Disorders, Depression, Obessive Compulsive Disorder, Anger Management, PTSD, TBI, Military Culture, Adults, Children


Licensed Psychologist, Wyoming, Wyoming State Board of Psychology:
Licensed Psychologist, Florida Department of Health:
Licensed Psychologist (HSP-P), North Carolina Psychology Board:
Nationally Registered Health Service Provider in Psychology:
Previously Licensed in States of PA,WI and MO


Army Management Staff College 1991
Post Doctorate, Rehabilitation Management, May 1978, University of Alabama – Birmingham
Doctorate of Philosophy, Combined Experimental-Clinical Psychology May 1974
Notre Dame University, Notre Dame IN
Masters of Science Degree in Psychology August 1970, University of WI – Oshkosh
Bachelors of Art Degree in Psychology, Chemistry and Biology May 1969, University of WI – Oshkosh
University of Toledo Chemistry, Biology, Psychology Matriculated May 1968


Expert Owned Practice (Formally Inc. March 1, 2000 – present), in practice since May 1974
As the President,
Expert has provided a series of psychological services for over 40 years to include being a medical psychologist and Director of Wellness programs for Berwick Hospital in PA. He recently was an independent contractor for LSW Psychological Services and previously was with Katz Counseling and Educational Psychology in Fort Myers, FL doing clinical therapy and assessments. He has throughout the years developed numerous program services for children with special needs (LD, MR, G&T, and ED). He has provided cognitive behavior therapy for eating disorders, marriage counseling, stress reduction, anxiety disorders, depression, obsessive compulsive disorders and anger management. He has treated PTSD and TBI and understands the military culture. He has performed numerous psychological tests of all kinds. His interest is in treating people who are aging, children and adults with special needs, and military (retired and current). Currently, is certified by the National Heath Register in Psychology and by the State of Florida to supervise mental health counselors. Besides providing clinical therapy services, Expert contracts to do Worker’s Compensation, Employee Assistance Program, Critical Incidence Counseling, and Forensic services. He is also currently the Clinical Director for Pearl Recovery Center, an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP). He also maintains a contract with Meta that provides tele-therapy for Kaiser University students across multiple states.
Expert was providing psychological services since late April 2016 to April of 2017 at the State Florida’s Correctional Institutions through Maxim Physician Services for Centurion Inc./Corizon (formally). These services include psychiatric emergencies, Self-Harm Observation Status assessments, Crisis Intervention, and individual/group therapy as well as documentation and incident reporting.
Expert has developed a myriad of people solutions to complex personnel, personal and organizational development issues facing organizations for nearly 10 years.
Developed and executed (over a ten-year period) leadership development courses for Washington DC Metro Area Transit Authority (WMATA) – perceived by client as best courses delivered.
Prepared and submitted deliverables for Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) Ministry of Intelligence (MoI) modernization program concerning HQ Transformation Task Order on: (1) Organizational Design; (2) Transition Plan and (3) Execution Approach to Transition Plan;
Produced for Federal Acquisition Institute (FAI) certification program requirements for federal acquisition community as well-designed new paradigm for virtual corporate university for FAI and project/program management one stop shop certification information base
Served as a transformation advisor to develop, implement and execute SENTENIL FBI trainer certification program.
Orchestrated Army G4 transformation efforts to redesign HQ into a sense and respond organization.
Led the Army’s Logistics Transformation Office transition to become the Army’s primary Innovation Center.
Project manager for WMATA’s (a transit company) effort to reengineer their HR Processes to be in concert with their new company policy and procedures
Set up an intelligence organization’s (National Reconnaissance Organization -NRO) startup of an advanced systems technology directorate.
Redesigned the Navy Ship Yard’s Training directorate to be more customer-centric in its approach to providing services.
Architected Concept of Operations (CONOPS) and several position papers for presentation to Director of National Intelligence (DNI) for the development of a strategic National Intelligence University (NIU); developed NIU consortium of key academic institutions, contracting firms, independent consultants, and small business companies to build capability and capacity to support NIU strategically, operationally, and tactically.

Sovereign Health Group Florida (November 17, 2014 –November 12th 2015)
As Site Training Director,
Expert provides supervision of all post-doctorate and pre-doc interns in the field of psychology – set up APPIC program for facility. He oversees the site training programs for all paraprofessional and professional staff regarding mental health services. He maintains quality standards and of site evaluation system for the site. During tenure, also acted as facility director, program director, and clinical director.

Peduzzi Associates Ltd. (June 2010 – Oct. 15 2013)
As Director, Service Solutions (recently affiliate)
Expert provided executive leadership in developing service solution business for government and commercial clients; Specifically, his primary focus was on new business development, expanding current and developing new business practices and services, advising on internal strategic and tactical planning, produce and writing proposals, finding and capturing business, operating as a program manager, and providing an array of business and people solution consulting services to clients. He is an expert in Bid to win strategies.
Spearheaded and developed 30 plus complex proposals (RFIs, RFQs, RFPs) within a one-year time period
Won four major awards with the Veterans Affairs (VA) -T4, NGB-Functional Performance, FSI-Overseas Crisis Intervention and VA-Workload Analysis) as well as won protests with the VA
Developed an e-mod submission for MOBIS 874 to include more SINS and labor categories
Developed grant application for commercial client on PSTD and TBI
Developed marketing materials for PAL’s professional service solutions business
Executed TOs on WMATA contract pertaining to Career and Professional Development
Provided BD and PM support to two PAL commercial clients, Steptoe Group and e-receivables

CGH Technologies, Inc., (August 2009 –May 2010)
As Chief Learning Officer (CLO),
Expert is responsible for both internal and external growth in people development. He is an executive strategist for management solutions practice. Expert is responsible for incorporating a change component as part of the technology solution. He develops industrial partnerships and business development for people solutions.
Developed and executed follow-on Task Orders for WMATA and USDA (GS)
Lead communications practitioner for FAA ATO’s Project Management initiative
Developed two RFPS on people solutions, one for the FAA CICO office and the other with the ACE – waiting for award
Management Plan coordinator for major FAA Sys Ops proposal submission – waiting for award.

CACI International (November 2003-May 2006)
Rose Noxon Senior Human Factors Director 540-557-7450
Built organizational and personal capability and capacity to influence enterprise growth and profitability.
Developed competency models for strategic job families at CACI along with an integrated performance management, learning management, and competency management system that resulted in 30% gains in proficiency and a 16% in reduction in attrition.
Established a smart knowledge engine and community of practices that produced 40% greater wins in competitive contracts and 55% gains in efficiencies and effectiveness measures.
Invented three new products—a robust change methodology with an enabling software support tool, CALM [Change, Adaptation, and Learning Model]; a cultural organization index program that used I-OPT, an information processing tool; and a five-day change, adaptation, and learning course—which generated new revenue of $500K+ per quarter.

RGS Associates-CLO (April 2001 – December 2003)
As the Senior Policy Advisor
Focused attention on corporate and client learning services associated with business functions, transformation and personal development.
Developed, produced, and executed contracts that, within one year, exceeded 15% of the company’s business revenue for a given year.
Achieved a 30% increase in contracted business by designing, implementing, and training all staff on effective approaches to marketing and selling to new/existing customers.
Expedited employee ramp-up by establishing a mentoring and coaching program that indoctrinated staff to the work values of the company.

McDonald Bradley, Inc. – now a ManTech Company (April 1999 – March 2000)
As the Senior Principal Consultant,
Focused work on business process reengineering and human capital systems issues.
Produced $500K+ in new business within the first quarter, which led to follow-on business that doubled the contract for the next year.
Played an instrumental role in defining the company’s new strategic vision, which resulted in five new business leads from which three contracts were won.
Provided key sales and marketing recommendations to other business areas that assisted them in securing four new contracts valued at $2M+.

TASC (April 1995 – April 1999)
As the Senior Principal Technical Consultant
Developed companywide decision support services and corporate learning services.
Established a new line of business in the area of talent management and career development that generated $2.5M within two years.
Was awarded five outstanding letters of commendation for lead work performed across a multitude of projects for the customer within one year.
Played a key role in obtaining $3M+ in performance fees and follow-on work for the continuance of the customer’s decision support center.
Conducted an assessment of the enterprise using Baldrige Award criteria, which resulted in a 30% improvement in quality standards.
Developed, implemented, and executed a comprehensive competency modeling initiative across the enterprise for key roles, functions, and critical positions, enabling all employees to assess their career development online.

US Department of Defense (July 1987 –May 1995)
As the Senior Operations Research Analyst,
Focused on resource management, acquisition business and corporate learning center development.
Received the American Society of Comptrollers Research Award for evaluating the effectiveness of TQM initiatives in Europe. Received the Superior Civilian Service Award for taking over and executing, within six months, the Army’s omnibus research contract, a feat that had not been completed for the previous two years.
Developed, within four months, a competency-based, comprehensive curriculum for analysis that became the standard for Department of Defense (DoD) training.
Produced no less than 25 independent lifecycle cost estimates that improved future budgeting and programming by 20%.
Provided timely out year budgeting (programming) for USA Europe, resulting in no mismatches in near term budgeting for major programs.

Berwick Hospital, (Jan 1986-June 1987)
As the Health Services Director,
Provided a variety of in hospital psychological services.
Performed marketing and sales of health services products, teaching of health promotion programs, developed marketing strategies, advertising and promotional campaigns, pricing, cost analysis, medical psychologist.
Focused on coordinating wellness programs associated with stress, nutrition, and smoking cessation, performed as a medical psychologist, and conducted marketing, advertising, sales, pricing, cost analysis for a variety of health service products.
Established business development program boosting revenues for each wellness initiative by 17% and increasing change management services revenue 30%.
Coached individual and organizational learning team staff and led communities of practice (CoP) as large as 100 that resulted in 20% gains in competency capability and opportunity improvement savings for the organizations of $20K per individual who participated in Community of Practice (CoP).
Set-up Industrial Health programs to include determining and pricing of products and services in the areas of stress management, smoking cessation, and nutrition.
Sanitas/L.E. Carpenter/Day International/Koroseal, Hazelton PA (Jan 1983-Dec 1985)
As the Director of Manufacturing for a Manufacturing Firm specializing in Web-based paper products,
Performed operations management leadership.
Performed short and long-term planning, acquisition analysis, strategic planning, budget planning and control, process capability analysis, teaching, labor relations, capital expenditures, environmental/human factors policy/procedure development and quality control. He was accountable for overall Plant Administration for manufacturing and business operations, 3 shift, 18 million dollar budget, 40 million sales, 300 employees. He ran web manufacturing plant (175,000 sq. ft.) producing residential & commercial wallcovering & wallpaper, including a major warehousing and bindery operation. Processes included extrusion, lamination, coating, inks & chemical formulation, finishing, solvent recovery & printing (gravure, flexographic offset).
Focused on managing all operations with timely and quality production and efficient procedures through lean six sigma processes.
Directed the operations achieving annual revenue increases of 15%, cost reductions of 20%, and EBIT improvements of 4%.
Grew business in which four new business clients were developed and existing business was expanded by 10% each year.
Designed and executed nationally recognized profitable binding operation run by the developmentally disabled that had labor union support which produced savings of 30% and increased profits by 15%.
Conceptualized and co-authored a model for determining optimum backup stock for the introduction of a new product, evaluated direct distribution vs. national distribution, and studied the cost effectiveness of central warehousing.
Instituted a total quality control program including a cost system, engineering process control, raw material inspection, vendor relationship and Juran/Deming quality training.
Negotiated a successful take back contract with the United Steelworkers Union and defeated a NLRB dispute with the union over the right to contract operations.
Rehabilitation (1973-1982) for the States of PA, WI, MO, NC, OH

Whitehaven Center (Whitehaven, PA), 10/80-10/82
Director of Facility

Northern Center (Chippewa Falls, WI), 09/78-10/80
Assistant Director of Facility

Woodhaven School (Columbia, MO), 09/76-09/78
School Administrator

Cumberland County & Fayetteville Board of Education (Fayetteville, NC), 07/74-09/76
Special Education Program Consultant and School Psychologist

Mount Vernon Development Center (Mt Vernon, OH), 05/73-07/74
Director of Rehabilitation Programs, psychologist
As a Rehabilitation/Educational Management/Psychologist,
Provided a robust set of services in the field of Health and Human Services and Education– Developmentally Challenge and Special Education.
Provided short- and long-term planning, health services programs, administrative systems design, labor relations, budget planning & control, teaching, staff development, organizational development, operations research, policy and procedure development, grantsmanship, quality assurance and control, public relations and community liaison, rehabilitation and special education programs, psychological testing and research. Overall administration of multi-unit residential center & plant operation for 500-600 handicapped persons: 24-million-dollar budget, 3-shifts, and 800 employees. Operations included: housing units, school, recreational center, power plant, hospital, warehouse and administrative buildings located on a 124-acre site.
Focused on improving the quality of client’s lives by managing large institutions exceeding 1000 employees
Guided organization in never exceeding budgets while reducing attrition 13% and improving quality of services 21%.
Directed the development and implementation of cost-effective comprehensive policies resulting in decreased absenteeism, reduction of work-related disabilities, and reduced overtime.
Recognized nationally for innovating unit management system for improving the quality of life for the developmentally handicapped.
Designed. wrote, won and executed Federal and state grants valuing no less than $1.75M across a three-year period that help produce a better quality of life for the developmentally disabled
Appointed as the President of Superintendents Association for State of PA; facilitated the incorporation of regional resource center model for State Institutions for the developmentally challenged.
Operated on State Board of Behavior Modification where guidelines and policies were developed to support the treatment of developmentally disabled.
Recognized as Health Care Professional of the year by Fayetteville NC community health center board
Established internship assistantship programs for medical graduate and undergraduate students in areas of pediatrics, ophthalmology, psychology, (clinical and school) special education and physical therapy.
Devised developmental and cognitive learning programs for a variety of handicapping conditions to include all levels of retardation, learning disabled, emotional handicapped and multiple handicaps (deaf, blind, deaf-blind).
Established state and national models for administration of residential treatment centers and community resource services.
Created the State of PA Health and Human Service (120,000 personnel) system’s Mental Retardation services to the unit management system for delivery of quality services that is recognized nationally as best approach to mental retardation service delivery system. Designed, developed and implemented new organizational structure, policies and procedures, reengineered processes, business rules, HR strategy and workforce planning analytics. This resulted in 25% improvement in retention, 35% reduction in disability claims, 50% effectiveness in client services and 38% increase in efficiencies; unit management system instituted across state as the go to management model (1980).
Conducted parent groups for emotionally handicapped and developmentally disabled.
Produced national recognized special education programs that resulted in 40-50% gains in learning achievement using Mary Meeker’s Structures of Intellect, Reuven Feuerstein’s Instrumental Enrichment and Learning Potential Assessment Device, and Hewitt’s engineered classroom.
Developed a cable casting system using state of the art video production procedures.
Wrote and obtained several grants of $1M+ per year for educational programs.
Orchestrated and developed a non-profit organization called MASH (MO Association for Severely Handicapped) resulting in $50M in grants being approved; established performance standards which improved the quality of life of the severely retarded. He became first president of organization.


Wounded Warrior and PTSD/TBI and Issues Associated with Homelessness, Job Acquisition and Cultural Competence
Business Management Education and Training
Integration of Quality Standards
TQM and its Effects on Organizational Effectiveness.
Organizational Effectiveness utilizing Leadership and Motivational Climate Survey.
Employee Performance Factors and Attitudes in the Work Environment.
Management Models and Program Systems Approaches to the Service Delivery of MR/DD.
Comparative Study of the Appropriateness of Community and Residential Based Living for the MR.
Interrelationships of Adaptive Behavior, Moral Reasoning and Mental Age on the Cognitive, Developmental Performance of Moderately and Mildly MR and Normal Students.
Curriculum Effectiveness and Systems Approaches in the Education of Children.
Effects of Self Concept and Adaptive Behavior on the Learning Achievement of Normal and Educationally Handicapped Children.
Effects of Multiple Complex Systems of Reinforcement on the Learning and Motivation of Exceptional Children.
Behavior Modification of Language Habits in Learning for Handicapped Individuals Through a Ethological-Psycholinguistic Framework.
Appetitive and Consummatory Behavior Patterns in Tropical Fish.
Aversive Conditioning, Learned Helplessness, Masochism and Avoidance- Escape in the White Rat.
Effects of Classical Conditioning on the Instrumental Training of MR Children.
Development of Creativity in the Verbal and Nonverbal MR Child


Society for Organizational Learning council member as well as recognized as key note speaker for their Speaker’s Bureau
Supervised a group of 15 psychologists providing service to rehabilitation clients
Invented three new products—a robust change methodology with an enabling software support tool, CALM [Change, Adaptation, and Learning Model]; a cultural organization index program that used I-OPT, an information processing tool; and a five-day change, adaptation, and learning course
Designed and executed nationally recognized profitable binding operation run by the developmental disabled that had labor union support which produced savings of 30% and increased profits by 15%.
Appointed as the President of Superintendents Association for State of PA; facilitated the incorporation of regional resource center model for State Institutions for the developmentally challenged.
Operated on State Board of Behavior Modification where guidelines and policies were developed to support the treatment of developmentally disabled.
Established internship assistantship programs for medical graduate and undergraduate students in areas of pediatrics, ophthalmology, psychology, (clinical and school) special education and physical therapy.
Established state and national models for administration of residential treatment centers and community resource services.
Created the State of PA Health and Human Service (120,000 personnel) system’s Mental Retardation services to the unit management system for delivery of quality services that is recognized nationally as best approach to mental retardation service delivery system.
Orchestrated and developed a non-profit organization called MASH (MO Association for Severely Handicapped) resulting in $50M in grants being approved; established performance standards which improved the quality of life of the severely retarded. He became first president of organization.
Responsible for profit-loss for large and medium rehabilitation centers, manufacturing firms and private/not-for-profit agencies
Worked with John Hopkins University School of Education in developing a higher education program from undergraduate to doctorate in behavioral health with a subspecialty in military acculturation
Took the CVU (CACI Virtual University) to another level of capability by building in internal mentoring and coaching programs that were done same-time same-place or virtually.
Architected a virtual e-learning master’s degree program in organizational management with Bellevue University that produced a win-win for both employees and company by paying for degree through the tuition reimbursement program and at the same time improved retention when comparing participating staff.
Spearheaded the individual and organizational change management team for six companies by coaching learning staff as small as 20 and directing communities of practices as large as 100, producing 20% gains in competency capability and opportunity improvement savings for the organizations of $20K per individual.


Expert has over 40 plus years of teaching experience at a variety of colleagues and universities.


Expert has maintained being a licensed psychologist since 1976 and has kept up with CEUs requirements.


Top Clinical Psychologist – honored by Leading Physicians of the World. Noted on Findatopdocs.com (publish blog, Answer Questions, Waiting Room Magazine)
Received the American Society of Comptrollers Research Award for evaluating the effectiveness of TQM initiatives in Europe. Received the Superior Civilian Service Award for taking over and executing, within six months, the Army’s omnibus research contract, a feat that had not been completed for the previous two years
Recognized as Health Care Professional of the year by Fayetteville NC community health center board
Was awarded five outstanding letters of commendation for lead work performed across a multitude of projects for the customer within one year.


Expert is an expert with data analytic programs: SPSS, SPSS Data Entry Builder, SAS and Statistica. He is experienced with all MS Office XP programs, specifically Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint.


Florida Psychological Association, American Psychology Assocoation


Management, Supervision and Leadership: Planning, organizing, directing, evaluating personnel; strategy development, vision development; coaching; mentoring
Change Management: Needs Assessment; Performance Management; Team Building/Facilitation; Organizational Learning/Development; Applied Decision Making; Business Process Reengineering; Process Improvement; Survey Design/Development; Transformation Strategies
e-learning: Competency Modeling; Knowledge Management; Instructional Systems Design; Multi-media interactive learning
Learning Management: Motivational Management; Executive Coaching; Managerial Leadership Development; Adult (Competency-Based) Education/Training; Psychological Testing
General Management: Operations/Manufacturing Management, Profit/Loss Responsibility; Strategic Planning; Cost/Economic Analysis; Fiscal Budgeting; Contracting; Procurement; Business Development; Employee/Union Relations; Resource Management; Human Resources; Statistics
Behavioral Health: Veterans issues associated with Transition and Reintegration; Addiction, Children with Special Needs; Developmental Disabilities; Psychometrics; Cognitive Behavioral Therapy; DBT; School Psychology; Industrial Psychology


Licensed Psychologist, Wyoming, Wyoming State Board of Psychology:
Licensed Psychologist, Florida Department of Health:
Licensed Psychologist (HSP-P), North Carolina Psychology Board:
Nationally Registered Health Service Provider in Psychology:
Previously Licensed in States of PA,WI and MO


Army Management Staff College 1991
Post Doctorate, Rehabilitation Management, May 1978, University of Alabama – Birmingham
Doctorate of Philosophy, Combined Experimental-Clinical Psychology May 1974
Notre Dame University, Notre Dame IN
Masters of Science Degree in Psychology August 1970, University of WI – Oshkosh
Bachelors of Art Degree in Psychology, Chemistry and Biology May 1969, University of WI – Oshkosh
University of Toledo Chemistry, Biology, Psychology Matriculated May 1968


Expert Owned Practice (Formally Inc. March 1, 2000 – present), in practice since May 1974
As the President,
Expert has provided a series of psychological services for over 40 years to include being a medical psychologist and Director of Wellness programs for Berwick Hospital in PA. He recently was an independent contractor for LSW Psychological Services and previously was with Katz Counseling and Educational Psychology in Fort Myers, FL doing clinical therapy and assessments. He has throughout the years developed numerous program services for children with special needs (LD, MR, G&T, and ED). He has provided cognitive behavior therapy for eating disorders, marriage counseling, stress reduction, anxiety disorders, depression, obsessive compulsive disorders and anger management. He has treated PTSD and TBI and understands the military culture. He has performed numerous psychological tests of all kinds. His interest is in treating people who are aging, children and adults with special needs, and military (retired and current). Currently, is certified by the National Heath Register in Psychology and by the State of Florida to supervise mental health counselors. Besides providing clinical therapy services, Expert contracts to do Worker’s Compensation, Employee Assistance Program, Critical Incidence Counseling, and Forensic services. He is also currently the Clinical Director for Pearl Recovery Center, an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP). He also maintains a contract with Meta that provides tele-therapy for Kaiser University students across multiple states.
Expert was providing psychological services since late April 2016 to April of 2017 at the State Florida’s Correctional Institutions through Maxim Physician Services for Centurion Inc./Corizon (formally). These services include psychiatric emergencies, Self-Harm Observation Status assessments, Crisis Intervention, and individual/group therapy as well as documentation and incident reporting.
Expert has developed a myriad of people solutions to complex personnel, personal and organizational development issues facing organizations for nearly 10 years.
Developed and executed (over a ten-year period) leadership development courses for Washington DC Metro Area Transit Authority (WMATA) – perceived by client as best courses delivered.
Prepared and submitted deliverables for Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) Ministry of Intelligence (MoI) modernization program concerning HQ Transformation Task Order on: (1) Organizational Design; (2) Transition Plan and (3) Execution Approach to Transition Plan;
Produced for Federal Acquisition Institute (FAI) certification program requirements for federal acquisition community as well-designed new paradigm for virtual corporate university for FAI and project/program management one stop shop certification information base
Served as a transformation advisor to develop, implement and execute SENTENIL FBI trainer certification program.
Orchestrated Army G4 transformation efforts to redesign HQ into a sense and respond organization.
Led the Army’s Logistics Transformation Office transition to become the Army’s primary Innovation Center.
Project manager for WMATA’s (a transit company) effort to reengineer their HR Processes to be in concert with their new company policy and procedures
Set up an intelligence organization’s (National Reconnaissance Organization -NRO) startup of an advanced systems technology directorate.
Redesigned the Navy Ship Yard’s Training directorate to be more customer-centric in its approach to providing services.
Architected Concept of Operations (CONOPS) and several position papers for presentation to Director of National Intelligence (DNI) for the development of a strategic National Intelligence University (NIU); developed NIU consortium of key academic institutions, contracting firms, independent consultants, and small business companies to build capability and capacity to support NIU strategically, operationally, and tactically.

Sovereign Health Group Florida (November 17, 2014 –November 12th 2015)
As Site Training Director,
Expert provides supervision of all post-doctorate and pre-doc interns in the field of psychology – set up APPIC program for facility. He oversees the site training programs for all paraprofessional and professional staff regarding mental health services. He maintains quality standards and of site evaluation system for the site. During tenure, also acted as facility director, program director, and clinical director.

Peduzzi Associates Ltd. (June 2010 – Oct. 15 2013)
As Director, Service Solutions (recently affiliate)
Expert provided executive leadership in developing service solution business for government and commercial clients; Specifically, his primary focus was on new business development, expanding current and developing new business practices and services, advising on internal strategic and tactical planning, produce and writing proposals, finding and capturing business, operating as a program manager, and providing an array of business and people solution consulting services to clients. He is an expert in Bid to win strategies.
Spearheaded and developed 30 plus complex proposals (RFIs, RFQs, RFPs) within a one-year time period
Won four major awards with the Veterans Affairs (VA) -T4, NGB-Functional Performance, FSI-Overseas Crisis Intervention and VA-Workload Analysis) as well as won protests with the VA
Developed an e-mod submission for MOBIS 874 to include more SINS and labor categories
Developed grant application for commercial client on PSTD and TBI
Developed marketing materials for PAL’s professional service solutions business
Executed TOs on WMATA contract pertaining to Career and Professional Development
Provided BD and PM support to two PAL commercial clients, Steptoe Group and e-receivables

CGH Technologies, Inc., (August 2009 –May 2010)
As Chief Learning Officer (CLO),
Expert is responsible for both internal and external growth in people development. He is an executive strategist for management solutions practice. Expert is responsible for incorporating a change component as part of the technology solution. He develops industrial partnerships and business development for people solutions.
Developed and executed follow-on Task Orders for WMATA and USDA (GS)
Lead communications practitioner for FAA ATO’s Project Management initiative
Developed two RFPS on people solutions, one for the FAA CICO office and the other with the ACE – waiting for award
Management Plan coordinator for major FAA Sys Ops proposal submission – waiting for award.

CACI International (November 2003-May 2006)
Rose Noxon Senior Human Factors Director 540-557-7450
Built organizational and personal capability and capacity to influence enterprise growth and profitability.
Developed competency models for strategic job families at CACI along with an integrated performance management, learning management, and competency management system that resulted in 30% gains in proficiency and a 16% in reduction in attrition.
Established a smart knowledge engine and community of practices that produced 40% greater wins in competitive contracts and 55% gains in efficiencies and effectiveness measures.
Invented three new products—a robust change methodology with an enabling software support tool, CALM [Change, Adaptation, and Learning Model]; a cultural organization index program that used I-OPT, an information processing tool; and a five-day change, adaptation, and learning course—which generated new revenue of $500K+ per quarter.

RGS Associates-CLO (April 2001 – December 2003)
As the Senior Policy Advisor
Focused attention on corporate and client learning services associated with business functions, transformation and personal development.
Developed, produced, and executed contracts that, within one year, exceeded 15% of the company’s business revenue for a given year.
Achieved a 30% increase in contracted business by designing, implementing, and training all staff on effective approaches to marketing and selling to new/existing customers.
Expedited employee ramp-up by establishing a mentoring and coaching program that indoctrinated staff to the work values of the company.

McDonald Bradley, Inc. – now a ManTech Company (April 1999 – March 2000)
As the Senior Principal Consultant,
Focused work on business process reengineering and human capital systems issues.
Produced $500K+ in new business within the first quarter, which led to follow-on business that doubled the contract for the next year.
Played an instrumental role in defining the company’s new strategic vision, which resulted in five new business leads from which three contracts were won.
Provided key sales and marketing recommendations to other business areas that assisted them in securing four new contracts valued at $2M+.

TASC (April 1995 – April 1999)
As the Senior Principal Technical Consultant
Developed companywide decision support services and corporate learning services.
Established a new line of business in the area of talent management and career development that generated $2.5M within two years.
Was awarded five outstanding letters of commendation for lead work performed across a multitude of projects for the customer within one year.
Played a key role in obtaining $3M+ in performance fees and follow-on work for the continuance of the customer’s decision support center.
Conducted an assessment of the enterprise using Baldrige Award criteria, which resulted in a 30% improvement in quality standards.
Developed, implemented, and executed a comprehensive competency modeling initiative across the enterprise for key roles, functions, and critical positions, enabling all employees to assess their career development online.

US Department of Defense (July 1987 –May 1995)
As the Senior Operations Research Analyst,
Focused on resource management, acquisition business and corporate learning center development.
Received the American Society of Comptrollers Research Award for evaluating the effectiveness of TQM initiatives in Europe. Received the Superior Civilian Service Award for taking over and executing, within six months, the Army’s omnibus research contract, a feat that had not been completed for the previous two years.
Developed, within four months, a competency-based, comprehensive curriculum for analysis that became the standard for Department of Defense (DoD) training.
Produced no less than 25 independent lifecycle cost estimates that improved future budgeting and programming by 20%.
Provided timely out year budgeting (programming) for USA Europe, resulting in no mismatches in near term budgeting for major programs.

Berwick Hospital, (Jan 1986-June 1987)
As the Health Services Director,
Provided a variety of in hospital psychological services.
Performed marketing and sales of health services products, teaching of health promotion programs, developed marketing strategies, advertising and promotional campaigns, pricing, cost analysis, medical psychologist.
Focused on coordinating wellness programs associated with stress, nutrition, and smoking cessation, performed as a medical psychologist, and conducted marketing, advertising, sales, pricing, cost analysis for a variety of health service products.
Established business development program boosting revenues for each wellness initiative by 17% and increasing change management services revenue 30%.
Coached individual and organizational learning team staff and led communities of practice (CoP) as large as 100 that resulted in 20% gains in competency capability and opportunity improvement savings for the organizations of $20K per individual who participated in Community of Practice (CoP).
Set-up Industrial Health programs to include determining and pricing of products and services in the areas of stress management, smoking cessation, and nutrition.
Sanitas/L.E. Carpenter/Day International/Koroseal, Hazelton PA (Jan 1983-Dec 1985)
As the Director of Manufacturing for a Manufacturing Firm specializing in Web-based paper products,
Performed operations management leadership.
Performed short and long-term planning, acquisition analysis, strategic planning, budget planning and control, process capability analysis, teaching, labor relations, capital expenditures, environmental/human factors policy/procedure development and quality control. He was accountable for overall Plant Administration for manufacturing and business operations, 3 shift, 18 million dollar budget, 40 million sales, 300 employees. He ran web manufacturing plant (175,000 sq. ft.) producing residential & commercial wallcovering & wallpaper, including a major warehousing and bindery operation. Processes included extrusion, lamination, coating, inks & chemical formulation, finishing, solvent recovery & printing (gravure, flexographic offset).
Focused on managing all operations with timely and quality production and efficient procedures through lean six sigma processes.
Directed the operations achieving annual revenue increases of 15%, cost reductions of 20%, and EBIT improvements of 4%.
Grew business in which four new business clients were developed and existing business was expanded by 10% each year.
Designed and executed nationally recognized profitable binding operation run by the developmentally disabled that had labor union support which produced savings of 30% and increased profits by 15%.
Conceptualized and co-authored a model for determining optimum backup stock for the introduction of a new product, evaluated direct distribution vs. national distribution, and studied the cost effectiveness of central warehousing.
Instituted a total quality control program including a cost system, engineering process control, raw material inspection, vendor relationship and Juran/Deming quality training.
Negotiated a successful take back contract with the United Steelworkers Union and defeated a NLRB dispute with the union over the right to contract operations.

Rehabilitation (1973-1982) for the States of PA, WI, MO, NC, OH

Whitehaven Center (Whitehaven, PA), 10/80-10/82
Director of Facility

Northern Center (Chippewa Falls, WI), 09/78-10/80
Assistant Director of Facility

Woodhaven School (Columbia, MO), 09/76-09/78
School Administrator

Cumberland County & Fayetteville Board of Education (Fayetteville, NC), 07/74-09/76
Special Education Program Consultant and School Psychologist

Mount Vernon Development Center (Mt Vernon, OH), 05/73-07/74
Director of Rehabilitation Programs, psychologist
As a Rehabilitation/Educational Management/Psychologist,
Provided a robust set of services in the field of Health and Human Services and Education– Developmentally Challenge and Special Education.
Provided short- and long-term planning, health services programs, administrative systems design, labor relations, budget planning & control, teaching, staff development, organizational development, operations research, policy and procedure development, grantsmanship, quality assurance and control, public relations and community liaison, rehabilitation and special education programs, psychological testing and research. Overall administration of multi-unit residential center & plant operation for 500-600 handicapped persons: 24-million-dollar budget, 3-shifts, and 800 employees. Operations included: housing units, school, recreational center, power plant, hospital, warehouse and administrative buildings located on a 124-acre site.
Focused on improving the quality of client’s lives by managing large institutions exceeding 1000 employees
Guided organization in never exceeding budgets while reducing attrition 13% and improving quality of services 21%.
Directed the development and implementation of cost-effective comprehensive policies resulting in decreased absenteeism, reduction of work-related disabilities, and reduced overtime.
Recognized nationally for innovating unit management system for improving the quality of life for the developmentally handicapped.
Designed. wrote, won and executed Federal and state grants valuing no less than $1.75M across a three-year period that help produce a better quality of life for the developmentally disabled
Appointed as the President of Superintendents Association for State of PA; facilitated the incorporation of regional resource center model for State Institutions for the developmentally challenged.
Operated on State Board of Behavior Modification where guidelines and policies were developed to support the treatment of developmentally disabled.
Recognized as Health Care Professional of the year by Fayetteville NC community health center board
Established internship assistantship programs for medical graduate and undergraduate students in areas of pediatrics, ophthalmology, psychology, (clinical and school) special education and physical therapy.
Devised developmental and cognitive learning programs for a variety of handicapping conditions to include all levels of retardation, learning disabled, emotional handicapped and multiple handicaps (deaf, blind, deaf-blind).
Established state and national models for administration of residential treatment centers and community resource services.
Created the State of PA Health and Human Service (120,000 personnel) system’s Mental Retardation services to the unit management system for delivery of quality services that is recognized nationally as best approach to mental retardation service delivery system. Designed, developed and implemented new organizational structure, policies and procedures, reengineered processes, business rules, HR strategy and workforce planning analytics. This resulted in 25% improvement in retention, 35% reduction in disability claims, 50% effectiveness in client services and 38% increase in efficiencies; unit management system instituted across state as the go to management model (1980).
Conducted parent groups for emotionally handicapped and developmentally disabled.
Produced national recognized special education programs that resulted in 40-50% gains in learning achievement using Mary Meeker’s Structures of Intellect, Reuven Feuerstein’s Instrumental Enrichment and Learning Potential Assessment Device, and Hewitt’s engineered classroom.
Developed a cable casting system using state of the art video production procedures.
Wrote and obtained several grants of $1M+ per year for educational programs.
Orchestrated and developed a non-profit organization called MASH (MO Association for Severely Handicapped) resulting in $50M in grants being approved; established performance standards which improved the quality of life of the severely retarded. He became first president of organization.


Wounded Warrior and PTSD/TBI and Issues Associated with Homelessness, Job Acquisition and Cultural Competence
Business Management Education and Training
Integration of Quality Standards
TQM and its Effects on Organizational Effectiveness.
Organizational Effectiveness utilizing Leadership and Motivational Climate Survey.
Employee Performance Factors and Attitudes in the Work Environment.
Management Models and Program Systems Approaches to the Service Delivery of MR/DD.
Comparative Study of the Appropriateness of Community and Residential Based Living for the MR.
Interrelationships of Adaptive Behavior, Moral Reasoning and Mental Age on the Cognitive, Developmental Performance of Moderately and Mildly MR and Normal Students.
Curriculum Effectiveness and Systems Approaches in the Education of Children.
Effects of Self Concept and Adaptive Behavior on the Learning Achievement of Normal and Educationally Handicapped Children.
Effects of Multiple Complex Systems of Reinforcement on the Learning and Motivation of Exceptional Children.
Behavior Modification of Language Habits in Learning for Handicapped Individuals Through a Ethological-Psycholinguistic Framework.
Appetitive and Consummatory Behavior Patterns in Tropical Fish.
Aversive Conditioning, Learned Helplessness, Masochism and Avoidance- Escape in the White Rat.
Effects of Classical Conditioning on the Instrumental Training of MR Children.
Development of Creativity in the Verbal and Nonverbal MR Child


Society for Organizational Learning council member as well as recognized as key note speaker for their Speaker’s Bureau
Supervised a group of 15 psychologists providing service to rehabilitation clients
Invented three new products—a robust change methodology with an enabling software support tool, CALM [Change, Adaptation, and Learning Model]; a cultural organization index program that used I-OPT, an information processing tool; and a five-day change, adaptation, and learning course
Designed and executed nationally recognized profitable binding operation run by the developmental disabled that had labor union support which produced savings of 30% and increased profits by 15%.
Appointed as the President of Superintendents Association for State of PA; facilitated the incorporation of regional resource center model for State Institutions for the developmentally challenged.
Operated on State Board of Behavior Modification where guidelines and policies were developed to support the treatment of developmentally disabled.
Established internship assistantship programs for medical graduate and undergraduate students in areas of pediatrics, ophthalmology, psychology, (clinical and school) special education and physical therapy.
Established state and national models for administration of residential treatment centers and community resource services.
Created the State of PA Health and Human Service (120,000 personnel) system’s Mental Retardation services to the unit management system for delivery of quality services that is recognized nationally as best approach to mental retardation service delivery system.
Orchestrated and developed a non-profit organization called MASH (MO Association for Severely Handicapped) resulting in $50M in grants being approved; established performance standards which improved the quality of life of the severely retarded. He became first president of organization.
Responsible for profit-loss for large and medium rehabilitation centers, manufacturing firms and private/not-for-profit agencies
Worked with John Hopkins University School of Education in developing a higher education program from undergraduate to doctorate in behavioral health with a subspecialty in military acculturation
Took the CVU (CACI Virtual University) to another level of capability by building in internal mentoring and coaching programs that were done same-time same-place or virtually.
Architected a virtual e-learning master’s degree program in organizational management with Bellevue University that produced a win-win for both employees and company by paying for degree through the tuition reimbursement program and at the same time improved retention when comparing participating staff.
Spearheaded the individual and organizational change management team for six companies by coaching learning staff as small as 20 and directing communities of practices as large as 100, producing 20% gains in competency capability and opportunity improvement savings for the organizations of $20K per individual.


Expert has over 40 plus years of teaching experience at a variety of colleagues and universities.


Expert has maintained being a licensed psychologist since 1976 and has kept up with CEUs requirements.


Top Clinical Psychologist – honored by Leading Physicians of the World. Noted on Findatopdocs.com (publish blog, Answer Questions, Waiting Room Magazine)
Received the American Society of Comptrollers Research Award for evaluating the effectiveness of TQM initiatives in Europe. Received the Superior Civilian Service Award for taking over and executing, within six months, the Army’s omnibus research contract, a feat that had not been completed for the previous two years
Recognized as Health Care Professional of the year by Fayetteville NC community health center board
Was awarded five outstanding letters of commendation for lead work performed across a multitude of projects for the customer within one year.


Expert is an expert with data analytic programs: SPSS, SPSS Data Entry Builder, SAS and Statistica. He is experienced with all MS Office XP programs, specifically Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint.


Florida Psychological Association, American Psychology Association


Management, Supervision and Leadership: Planning, organizing, directing, evaluating personnel; strategy development, vision development; coaching; mentoring
Change Management: Needs Assessment; Performance Management; Team Building/Facilitation; Organizational Learning/Development; Applied Decision Making; Business Process Reengineering; Process Improvement; Survey Design/Development; Transformation Strategies
e-learning: Competency Modeling; Knowledge Management; Instructional Systems Design; Multi-media interactive learning
Learning Management: Motivational Management; Executive Coaching; Managerial Leadership Development; Adult (Competency-Based) Education/Training; Psychological Testing
General Management: Operations/Manufacturing Management, Profit/Loss Responsibility; Strategic Planning; Cost/Economic Analysis; Fiscal Budgeting; Contracting; Procurement; Business Development; Employee/Union Relations; Resource Management; Human Resources; Statistics
Behavioral Health: Veterans issues associated with Transition and Reintegration; Addiction, Children with Special Needs; Developmental Disabilities; Psychometrics; Cognitive Behavioral Therapy; DBT; School Psychology; Industrial Psychology


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