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Provides Testimony In

Broadcasting, Radio, TV, General Management, Sales, Programming, Engineering, Promotions, Marketing, Ownership, FCC Rules,



My involvement in the broadcast industry has spanned 40 years.  During this time I have been involved in virtually every aspect of operating, managing and owning broadcast properties.  I have been called upon numerous times to take depositions and to appear in both Federal and State Courts regarding the broadcast industry as an expert witness for both defense and plaintiff. I have also provided written testimony to the FCC in various matters.  It has also been my responsibility to work directly for United States Trustees, Attorneys and Financial Institutions regarding the management, budgeting, cost projections and long term revenue forecasting of broadcast properties.

Educational History:

•    Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma Washington,  Degree:  B.A. Economics, 1976
•    Elkins Institute, Seattle Washington 1972
Completed Engineering Course and went on to receive a First Class Radiotelephone Engineering license from the Federal Communications Commission.

Professional Positions:

•    President, Private Company starting 1982 till present.
Company specializes in working with financial institutions and media companies worldwide in the broadcast industry.  Work included bankruptcy workouts, complete feasibility studies and business evaluations, business plans, internal control audits, and fair market valuations & appraisals, budgeting and projecting, negotiating talent contracts, expert witness and crisis management. Music, copyright and trademark licensing. Sales management systems, data base marketing and customer relationship tools.

Work Included:
1982-1986 consultant to Security Pacific Bank special assets department (FSBIC). Conducted analysis of various problem broadcast property loans. Provided testimony in both Federal Bankruptcy and California State Courts regarding various matters.
1982-1984 consulted and managed KNAC-FM Long Beach California for United States Trustee.  Provided testimony in both Federal Bankruptcy and California State Courts regarding this matter.
1984-1985 consulted and managed KBON-FM & KDIG-AM San Bernardino California for United States Trustee.  Provided testimony in both Federal Bankruptcy and California State Courts regarding this matter
2007 testified in United States Federal District Court, Southern District of New York.
2013 testified in Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois.

Other work & Activities during this time:

Conducted Feasibility Studies, Business Evaluations and Fair Market Valuations on KNAC-FM, Long Beach CA, KBON-FM & KDIG-AM, San Bernardino California.  Channel 51-TV, Bellevue Washington, KTBY-TV Channel 4, Anchorage Alaska. KZAY-FM Delano California. KNTF-FM, Ontario California.  KBBY-FM, Ventura California. Channel 44-TV, Rancho Palos Verdes, California (consultant to Mrylie Evers).  KATA/KFMI-FM, Eureka California. KWVE-FM, San Clemente California.  KDUO-FM, San Bernardino California.  KBLF-FM, Chico California.  Channel 61 WLXI-TV Winston/Salem North Carolina, KFKA, Greeley Colorado (1999).

Participated in Minority broadcaster workshops as an expert panelist in Dallas and Los Angeles for the FCC & NAB regarding the subject of how to start up a radio station.  1984 Los Angeles & Dallas.

I also negotiated and advised on agreements required to consummate a broadcast property transaction.  These included purchase and sale agreements, security agreements, pledge agreements, stockholders agreements, notes, revolving credit and term loan agreements, guaranty agreements, irrevocable proxies, opinion letters, property lease agreements, talent and music licensing agreements.

•    President, Private Company. 1986 – 1997
Owner and General Manager of Private Company, Monterey California.  At the time of purchase ($1.0 million cash in 1986), it had no revenues and no audience ratings. By 1997 when the station was sold ($6.5 million cash) it was the #1 ranked radio station in the entire Monterey-Salinas-Santa Cruz market for the important age demographics of 18-49, 25-54 and 35-64.  Sales went from 0 to $1.7 million and EBITDA went from 0 to over $700,000.  I handled all aspects of the business including managing local & national sales staffs, national advertisers, administrative staff, overseeing all programming both syndicated and local, developing and purchasing all promotional/marketing materials including Arbitron, TV advertisements, logo’s and strategies, negotiated all employee contracts.  I also was the official “voice” for the station on all ID’s, Promos etc.

•    General Sales Manager  KNBQ FM 1980 – 1982
Seattle/Tacoma Washington.  Managed and oversaw a local sales staff of 6 salespeople a regional sales staff of 3 and a national sales staff of 10.   Grew annual sales from $500,000 per year to $1.7 million.  Created and produced all promotional tie-ins with clients and advertisers.  Advised on all programming & engineering decisions. Provided revenue & expense projections to management.

Prior to 1980, I worked as an Account Executive and Regional Sales Manager for Golden West Broadcasters from 1976 to 1980.  I was the Number #1 billing sales representative for the company during that time.

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