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Provides Testimony In

Biomedical Analysis, Mechanical Aerospace Engineering, Human Anatomy, Physiology, Human Cadaver, Vehicular Dynamics, Injury Analysis, Blunt Force Trauma, Criminal Forensics, Homicide Forensics, Forensic Analysis,


1990 Doctor of Philosophy, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University
1988 Master of Arts, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University
1985 Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering and French, Carnegie-Mellon University


Over 200 hours of college instruction and laboratory practice in Human Anatomy and Physiology; college instruction and practice in


State of California, Professional-Engineer Registration (Number Available upon Request)


Services:  vehicular-dynamics and biomechanical analysis of over 400 low-speed and high-speed automobile and truck accidents, including structural-deformation analysis of vehicles, seat-back mechanisms, braking systems, bumper design and quantitative evaluation of road-surface conditions; determination of pre-impact vehicle speeds and orientations, collision-induced acceleration forces and collision-related injury causation; biomechanical analysis of injuries resulting from pedestrian-vehicle impacts and accidental falls; biomechanical analysis of blunt- force trauma in criminal and homicide investigations;  deposition and expert-witness testimony in municipal and superior courts

Clients:  Defense and Plaintiff Attorneys; Insurance Companies including Allstate, Liberty Mutual, Nationwide, Allied and Royal; Private Investigation Services


7/05 -Present, Professor, Department of Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering, University of California, Davis, CA

Member of the following UC Davis interdisciplinary graduate research programs:
Graduate Program in Biomedical Engineering
Graduate Program in Forensic Science
Institute for Transportation Studies

7/98 – 6/05, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering, University of California, Davis, CA.

7/92- 6/98, Assistant Professor: Department of Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering, University of California, Davis, CA.

7/91 – 6/92, James Irvine Research Fellow: Division of Mechanical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA.

6/90 – 6/91, Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellow: Center for Energy and Combustion Research, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA.

8/85 – 6/90 Research Assistant; Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ.

6/88 -8/88 Member of the Technical Staff (MTS): AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ.

1985 Summer Pre-professional Engineer: AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ.

1983 -1984 Summer Pre-professional Engineer: IBM, East Fishkill, NY.


Society of Automotive Engineers
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society
Tau Beta Pi Engineering Society
National Association of Professional Accident Reconstruction Specialists
Specialists (NAPARS)
American Mensa

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