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Provides Testimony In

Biomechanic, Slip, Trip, Falls, Balance, Human Movement, Human Injury, Pedestrian Accidents, Tribometry

Professional Profile

Expert is an expert consulting firm based in Tucson, Arizona. His areas of expertise include human movement analyses during walking and perturbations (e.g. slips, trips), human injury biomechanics, human responses to pedestrian accidents, and tribometry.
Expert is an expert in the biomechanics of the human body during a slip incident. He has conducted over 450 laboratory-induced pedestrian incidents to investigate the biomechanics of human movement and researched the neurological pathways associated with a slip incident. Expert conducts studies on the variables that differentiate fallers from non-fallers after balance is interrupted. He is a co-investigator and co-author on the revamped 2010 American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) F2508 “Standard Practice for Validation, Calibration, and Certification of Walkway Tribometers Using Reference Surfaces.” This manuscript is the industry standard for validating friction measuring devices and is in preparation with an expected journal submission by early 2021.

Academic Credentials

Ph.D., Biokinesiology, University of Southern California, Expected Jan. 2021
Visiting Scholar, Systems and Industrial Engineering, University of Arizona, 2020-Current
M.S., Kinesiology, California State University, Sacramento, 2014
B.S., Kinesiology, California State University, Sacramento, 2011
Certified Exercise Physiologist, American College of Sports Medicine, Expires 12/2023

Relevant Experiences

Verum Biomechanics, Owner and Principal, Sept 2020 – Present

University of Arizona, Visiting Scholar, Sept 2020 – Present

Conducts human balance research in individuals with obesity and implements inertial measurement units (mobile sensors) to detect individuals who may be at a higher risk of falling.

Arizona College of Nursing, Adjunct Professor, June 2020 – Present

Instructor of Anatomy & Physiology I & II for undergraduate students majoring in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program.

California State University, Sacramento, Adjunct Professor, Jan 2020 – May 2020

Instructor of Biomechanics and Kinesiology for undergraduate students majoring in Kinesiology.

University of Southern California, Graduate Teaching Associate, Aug 2018 – May 2019

Instructor of Gross Anatomy and Orthopedic Pathology for the Doctor of Physical Therapy students.

University of Southern California, Biomechanical Analyst, Oct 2015 – May 2019

Conducted laboratory studies for biomechanical consulting firms including Semper Scientific, Guidance Engineering, Slip-test Walkway Tribometers, and Biomechanical Research & Testing.

Semper Scientific, Biomechanical Consultant, April 2017 – Jan 2018

Reviewed depositions for many cases, including those pertaining to pedestrian & vehicular incidents and occupational hazards, as well as assisted with on-site investigations.

University of Southern California, Graduate Research Assistant, May 2016 – Aug 2018

Received a research grant from the American Society of Testing and Materials to research and revamp a F2508 standard study, “Standard Practice for Validation, Calibration, and Certification of Walkway Tribometers Using Reference Surfaces.”

University of Southern California, Graduate Teaching Associate, Aug 2014 – May 2016

Instructor for Gross Anatomy and Analytical Anatomy for Doctoral of Physical Therapy students.

Calif. State University, Sacramento, Graduate Teaching Assistant, Oct 2012 – May 2014

Instructor for graduate level Biomechanics, undergraduate level Biomechanics and Kinesiology for master’s and bachelor’s students, respectively.

Professional Affiliations

International Society of Biomechanics
American Society of Biomechanics
American Society of Testing and Materials
Neural Control of Movement Society
American College of Sports Medicine
European Society of Biomechanics
Canadian Society of Biomechanics
Biomedical Engineering Society

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