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Board Certified Clinical Psychology Psychologist Behavior Therapy, Forensic, Antidepressant Medication, Anti Anxiety Medication, Mental Health, Mental Hygiene, Crisis Assessment, Behavioral Assessment


Ph.D. 12-80 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR Clinical Psychology (APA approved)
M.A. 6-79 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR Clinical Psychology (APA approved)
B.A. 6-75 Stanford University, Stanford, CA Double Major: Psychology (with honors) and Economics

Professional Affiliations

Academy of Clinical Psychology, Fellow

American Psychological Association, Fellow in Clinical Psychology

Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Member

National Organization for V. A. Psychologists, Member

Nevada Psychological Association, Member

Northern Nevada Association for Licensed Psychologists Member

Western Psychological Association, Member

Professional Certification

Diplomate in Clinical Psychology, American Board of Professional Psychology (since 1987)

Nevada Licensed Psychologist  (since 1982)

National Register of Health Service Providers  (since 1983)

Clinical Privileges

St. Mary’s Hospital

Sparks Family Hospital

Washoe Medical Center

V. A. Medical Center

Awards And Honors

American Psychological Association Fellow in Clinical Psychology, 1994

Outstanding Psychologist, Nevada State Psychological Association, 1993

Appointed by the Governor to the Nevada State Board of Psychological
Examiners, 1990; reappointed 1994

Outstanding Performance Evaluation, Reno VAMC, 1984, 1985, 1987, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1995

Employee of the Month, Reno VAMC May, 1985; Feb 1986

Certificate of Appreciation, Reno VAMC, 1983

Graduate Teaching Fellowship, University of Oregon, 1976-77, 1978-80

U.S. Public Health Traineeship, University of Oregon, 1975-76

Honors in Psychology, Stanford University, 1975

Elected to Stanford University Student Senate, 1972-73

Elks Club Scholarship for Outstanding Leadership, 1971-72

Elks Club Scholarship for Academic Excellence, 1971-72

Outstanding Student, Peterson High School, Sunnyvale, CA, 1971

Valedictorian, Peterson High School, Sunnyvale, CA, 1971

Administrative Experience

1995-now Minority Veterans Program Coordinator, VAMC, Reno

1989-now Assistant Chief of Psychology, VAMC, Reno

1986-now Smoking Control Officer

1984-88 Coordinator, Mental Hygiene Clinic, VAMC, Reno

1985-88 Coordinator, Mental Health Computer Applications, VAMC, Reno

1981-84 Assistant Coordinator, Mental Hygiene Clinic, VAMC, Reno

1981-82 Crisis Team Coordinator, VAMC, Reno

1979-80 Project Coordinator, “Coping with Depression” Project, Oregon Neuropsychology Lab,
University of Oregon, Eugene

1979-80 Coordinator, University of Oregon, Eugene

Teaching Experience

1996-now Full Professor, Dept. of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, UNR School of Medicine, Reno

1987-now Associate Prof., Dept of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, UNR School of Medicine, Reno

1981-now Clinical Supervisor, APA-approved Clinical Psychology Training Program, VAMC, Reno

1981-now Guest Speaker, UNR Speakers Bureau

1981-87 Assistant Prof., Dept. of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, UNR School of Medicine, Reno

1983-87 Trainer, UNR Crisis Call Center

1976-80 Graduate Teaching Instructor, Dept. of Psychology, University of Oregon

Clinical Experience

1981-now Staff Psychologist, Mental Hygiene Clinic, VAMC, Reno 15-30 patient contacts per week individual, group, and crisis assessment and intervention.

1982-now Private Practice specializing in psychological treatments for depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, smoking, and sexual dysfunction

1990-94 Staff Psychologist, Excel Spine Rehabilitation Center. Psychological assessment of patients with chronic pain.

1978-80 Clinical Trainee, Psychology Clinic, University of Oregon. Specialized practical experience  in  the  behavioral  assessment  and  treatment of  behavior problem  children (1 year), gestalt  therapy  (1 year), assessment  and  treatment of  sexual dysfunctions  (3 mos.), cognitive-behavioral  assessment  and  treatment of  depression (2 years), MMPI  assessment (2 years).

1977-78 Clinical Psychology Intern, VAMC, Lyons, NJ. Individual  and  group psychotherapy  with  acute  and  chronic  psychiatric  inpatients; Designed  and implemented  token  economy  for chronic  inpatients; diagnostic  interviewing  and projective  assessment.

1975-77 Clinical Trainee, Psychology Clinic, University of Oregon. Specialized ractical experience in clinical interviewing (1 year), behavioral assessment and treatment of weight problems (1year), cognitive-behavioral assessment and treatment for smoking cessation (1 year)

Clinical Interests

Treatment of depression, anxiety disorders, sexual dysfunction, chronic pain, and behavior problem children; behavioral assessment; computer applications in behavior therapy; crisis intervention:  behavioral medicine; forensic psychology: conflict resolution

Research Interests

Treatment outcome research in depression and smoking; treatment development and evaluation; self-administered treatments; therapist variables related to psychotherapy outcome; economic factors in token economies; maintenance of behavioral changes

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