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Provides Testimony In

Pathology, Autopsy, Forensic Autopsy Services, Board Certified Clinical Anatomical Pathology, Sexual Assault, Physical Abuse, Child Abuse, Hematology, Internal Medicine, Carbon Monoxide Poisoning, Toxicological Pathology, Physiopathology, Pathophysiologic Mechanisms of Disease, Mechanistic Toxicology, Causation Analysis, Immunology, Indoor Mold, Mold, Asbestos, Drug Interaction, Drug Overdose, Tissue Sample Collection, Toxicology, Masters Degree Forensic Toxicology, QME, Strangulation, murder cases,

Education and Training 

Undergraduate – Hunter College, City University of N.Y. Bachelor of Arts, 1969.

Graduate – Autonomous University of Guadalajara Doctor of Medicine, 1972.

Rotating Internship – Univ. of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Medical Center, 1973.
Pathology Residency – Univ. of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine, 1973 – 1976.
Clinical Immunopathology Fellow – U of Pittsburgh, Dept. of Pathology,1977.
Juris Doctor Degree – Abraham Lincoln University, School of Law, 1997-2001.
University of Florida, Forensic Toxicology Masters Degree, 2004.
RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, Graduate Diploma in Toxicology, 2005.

Certification, Licensure and Fellowship

American Board of Pathology (Anatomic and Clinical) 1977
American Board of Preventive Medicine 2006
Medical Licenses: California, 1977
Pennsylvania, 1975

Appointments and Positions

Upjohn Laboratory Procedures, Co-Director

Diagnostic Pathology Associates, Director

Medical Director at a local medical center

Valley Presbyterian Hospital, Encino-Tarzana Medical Center

Clinical Associate Professor of Pathology, University of Southern California, Keck School of Medicine

Director – Toxicology Laboratory

Providing Forensic Autopsy Services


Scholarship – Autonomous University of Guadalajara
Fellow of the American Cancer Society
Fellow of the College of American Pathologists
Award Mayor Bradley for Senior Health Care Program
Centro de Amistad Award for donated services to Latino Community
County of L.A. Supervisor Mike Antonovich award for public service
City Attorney Office Award for Services to Victims of Crime
Keck USC School of Medicine, Pathology Professor of the Year (2002, 2004)

Special Interests

Pathophysiologic mechanisms of disease
Mechanistic toxicology
Causation analysis

Professional Activities 

Teaching Fellow, School of Cytotechnology of the University Health Center of  Pittsburgh, 1974 to 1977.

Associate Laboratory Instructor, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Department of Pathology, 1974 to 1977.

Guest Lecturer, Ca State Univ. – Advanced Immunology Review, August 1978.

Regular Lecturer, University of So. California, School of Medicine, 1983 -1984.

Postgraduate Fellowship Training, Olive View Medical Center Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1988-1989.

Career Consultant, California State University at Northridge, 1989-present.

Centro de Amistad Physician Consultant for abused women and children, 1986-present.

Lecturer Valley Presbyterian Hospital – Health Education Center – Hispanic Prenatal Care Program, 1993.

Human Resource Center, Inc. – President – a non-profit community clinic serving the indigent and elderly, 1984-1996.

Chabad of the Valley – A non-profit organization – volunteer staff physician serving indigent community members , 1981-present.

Los Angeles Regional Food Bank – local director of distribution center – San Fernando Valley, 1995.

Consultant – Contributing Forces for Battered Women, 1995-present.


Available upon request.

Membership in Professional and Scientific Societies

American College of Forensic Examiners
College of American Pathologists, Diplomate
Interamerican College of Physicians and Surgeons
American Academy of Clinical Toxicology
California Society of Industrial Medicine and Surgery


Available upon request.

USC Keck School of Medicine 2004 – 2007 Teaching

Gynecologic Pathology, Colon Cancer, Non-neoplastic Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System, Cardiovascular Disorders, Obstructive Uropathy, Markers of Tissue Inflammation; Abn. of Blood Supply, Neoplasia; Laboratory Manifestation of Cancer

Gynecologic Pathology, Gastrointestinal Pathology, Obstructive Uropathy; Neoplasms of Kidney Ureter & Prostate, Opportunistic Infections of the lung, Neoplasia, Pancreas, Laboratory Manifestations of Cancer; Parathyroid and Bone Pathology, Ovary, Testis, Uterine tumors, Disease of the Breast, Colon Cancer & Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Diseases of the Liver

Diseases of the Endocardium and Cardiac Valves, Diseases of Myocardium and Pericardium, Nephrotic/Nephritic Syndrome, Obstructive Uropathy and Cystic Disease, Neoplasms of the Urinary Tract, Respiratory Infections of the Lung, Respiratory/AIDS, Interstitial Lung Disease, Abnormalities of Blood Supply, Neoplasia, Pathology of the Adrenal Gland, Pathology of the Thyroid Gland

Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Non-Neoplastic Disease of Bones and Joints, Tumors of Mesenchymal Origin, Diseases of the Endocardium and Cardiac Valves

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