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Provides Testimony In

Analytical Chemistry, Toxicology & Biology, Chemicals, Biology Entomology, Bioanalytical, Environment, Pharmaceutical, Metabolism, Metabolites, Degradation, Biochemistry, Pesticides, Insecticides, Herbicides, Fungicides, EPA Certification, Bioactive Compound Analysis, Golf Course Contamination, Biology Corporate Country Club Contamination, Dioxins, Toxicology Hazardous Waste, Airborne Aldehyde Ketone Contaminations, Formaldehyde, Acetaldehyde, Acetone, Chemical Characterization, Identification Of Trace Contaminants, EPA Analytical Methods, FIFRA Guidelines Of Pesticide Registration, Good Laboratory Practices GLP, Data Techniques, PCB Analysis, SW 846 Analytical Methods, Toxicity Assessment Humans, Underground Storage Tank Soil Analysis, Acquisition Assessment UST Leak Data,


Ph. D.: The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. December 1982
M.S.: Ohio University, Athens, Ohio. August 1977
B.S.: Major Biology, Minor in Chemistry. Indiana University of Pennsylvania, April 1975

Teaching Positions

Principles of Biology:  A College in Pennsylvania (PA), Spring/Fall 2003 to current date

Biology lecture:  A College in PA 2002- Current

Physical Science Laboratory:  A College in PA 2007- Current

Intro. Astronomy:  A College in PA 2005- Current

Lectures for Criminal Justice:   A College in PA, Fall 2003 (arson and explosives)

Senior Co-Op Present.:   A College in PA 2002

Interdisciplinary:  A College in PA Fall 2001 and Fall 2003

College Chemistry lab.:  A College in PA 2001-2002

College Chemistry:   A College in PA 2000-2002, 2007

SEPCHE Programming: A College in PA Summer 2002, Summer 2003

Biology laboratory:   A College in PA 2000-2002

General Chemistry:  A College in PA 2000-2002

Environmental Chemistry:   Ohio Dominican College 1997-98

Technician training: Battelle Memorial Institute 1988-1990, DAT (formerly Triangle Labs of Columbus) 1991-1996.

Field entomology: Ohio University 1976

Entomology:  Ohio University 1976

Insecticide Toxicology: The Ohio State University 1979

Zoology: Ohio University 1976

Introductory biology: Ohio University 1975

The Ohio State University 1978

Guest Lectures:

The Ohio State University 1989, GLP in Testing and Research -The Ohio State University 1981, Pesticides

Volunteer Training:

Forty-plus 1997 – 1999, Preparation of Employment Profiles
Forty-plus 1997 – 1998, Internet Applications

Various lectures in Insecticide Toxicology/Chemistry and Governmental Regulations of Laboratory Activities (GLP) were given to General Entomology and Pesticide Regulations classes at The Ohio State University.  Other classes conducted as a volunteer at 40-Plus included: Micro-computer Applications and Preparation of Employment Profiles.

Committee And Task Work

Middle States Self Study Resources Allocation: A College in PA 2004-2005

Liberal Arts Self Study: A College in PA 2004-2005

IRB Committee: A College in PA 2004-2007

MAACB Meeting organization: A College in PA Spring 2003

Biology Self Study:  A College in PA 2002-2003

Laboratory Renovation (staff liaison): A College in PA Summer 2002

Science Committee  A College in PA 2000- Current

Safety and Security Committee: A College in PA 2001-2002, 2002-2003, 2003-2004

Policy Committee: A College in PA 2000-2001

Various lectures in Insecticide Toxicology/Chemistry and Governmental Regulations of Laboratory Activities (GLP) were given to General Entomology and Pesticide Regulations classes at The Ohio State University.  Other classes conducted as a volunteer at 40-Plus included: Micro-computer Applications and Preparation of Employment Profiles.

Professional Qualifications

Laboratory Renovation.  Planning, cost control, scheduling, communications, crisis management, and negotiation.

Laboratory management.  Training, report preparation, troubleshooting, client contact, QA/QC, lab certification, proposal preparation.

Method development.  New methods and adaptation/validation of existing methods. Application to pharmacokinetics of drugs in horses and dogs.

Routine analyses.  EPA, OSHA and NIOSH environmental testing.

Data validation.  CLP data sets according to SW-846 method.

Metabolism/Decomposition.  Data requirements by the EPA according to FIFRA, with GLP compliance: pesticides in plants, water, soil, light and storage

Enzymology. Characterization and purification of enzymes including kinetics.

Toxicity testing.  Measurement, and statistical analysis.

Laboratory Skills

Separation methods: Ion exchange, Affinity, Size exclusion, Thin layer, HPLC, GC, GC/MSD, Iso-electric focusing, Polyacrylamide electrophoresis.

Residue analysis methods: Liquid/Liquid, Solid phase extraction, Continuous extractions, ancillary methods such as ion-pair, extractive alkylation and bi-phasic extraction.

Spectrometric techniques: NMR, UV-VIS.

Radiochemical techniques:  Liquid scintillation counting, TLC plate scanners, Radon.

Statistical methods: Parametric and non parametric methods; spread sheet data reduction

Public Activities

Expert has been a consultant with a Civic League and a Civic Alliance in Delaware regarding the residential development of a badly contaminated golf course.  He has provided interpretive information regarding feasibility assessments for development plans and has helped the communities make more informed decisions in how their concerns should be directed.

Expert does assess modes of exposure from a toxicological point of view.  He also has done some public speaking on the subject in formats such as direct lectures as well as panel discussions.  He has consulted closely with state senators regarding the public health hazards of golf courses and has helped initiate major reactions to deficiencies in remediation plans by making public statements.

A full list of Public Activities is available upon request.

Publications And Reports

Full list available upon request.

Work History

2000-current, Instructor in Chemistry and Biology at a College in Pennsylvania

Contact lab work, DLZ Laboratories, Columbus Ohio
Teaching Environmental Chemistry, Ohio Dominican College.
Consultant: Commodore Inc., Laboratory certification, Marengo, Ohio.
Laboratory ManagerZande Environmental Services. Columbus, Ohio.

1996-1997, Laboratory Manager. Lyle Environmental Management, Columbus, Ohio.

1991-1996, Senior Chemist. Data/Analysis Technologies (DAT), Inc. (formerly Triangle Labs of Columbus).

1990-1991, Senior Research Associate. The Ohio State University. Department of Veterinary Clinical Medicine

1988-1990, Principle Research Scientist. Battelle Memorial Institute. Division of Health and Chemical Sciences.

1985-1988, Chemist IIMobay Agricultural Chemicals Division. Dept. of Biochemistry.

1982-1985, Post-Doctoral FellowThe Ohio State University.  Dept. of Veterinary Clinical Medicine.

Published Literature

Available upon request.

Abstracts of Selected Citations

Available upon request.

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