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Provides Testimony In

Biomechanics Accident Reconstruction, Biomechanics, Vehicular, Pedestrian, Railroad, Building Safety, Amusement Park, Amusement Rides, Parking Lots, Product Liability, Transportation, Transportation Safety Engineering, Safety Engineering, Civil Engineering, Business Applications, Computer Applications, Wheel Stop,

Areas of Expertise

Accident Reconstruction and Biomechanics
Automobile, truck, bus, motorcycle and railroad collision analysis.
Computer analysis of speeds, accelerations and injury probability.
Bicycle and pedestrian accidents.
Roadway hazards analysis and construction safety analysis.
Biomechanical, occupant injury and seat belt analysis.
Slip, trip and stairway accidents, including lighting analysis.
Amusement park accidents.
Analysis of mechanical and product liability defects.

Transportation and Transportation Safety Engineering Analysis
Traffic safety studies and traffic engineering analysis.
Highway, street, railroad, lighting and drainage design analysis.
Signing and pavement marking plans analysis.
Traffic signal and signal system design analysis.
Parking lot design and safety analysis.
Surveying and tract maps analysis.

Business and Computer Applications

Registrations and Accreditations

1980-Present Civil Engineer California

1981-Present Civil Engineer Nevada

1981-Present Civil Engineer Arizona

1977-Present Professional Engineer Ohio

1993-Present Accredited Accident Reconstructionist

Accreditation Commission for Traffic Accident Reconstruction (ACTAR)

1996-Present American College of Forensic Examiners Board Certified Forensic Examiner

1997-Present Fellow of the American College of Forensic Examiners

Crash Data Retrieval (CDR) System Operator Certification, February 2006


1972 Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana Highest Honors

1973 Master of Science, Civil Engineering, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana

1980 Business class, Cypress College, Cypress, California

1981 M.B.A. classes, California State University, Long Beach, California

2003 Biomechanics, University of California, Riverside, California

Supplementary Courses and Conferences

1980 Advanced Accident Investigation Course, Los Angeles Police Department
Conferences, Seminars and Research in Engineering, Accident Reconstruction and Biomechanics


1999 to Present Accident Reconstruction Communications Network, Member

1994 to Present American College of Forensic Examiners, Diplomate, Fellow (FACFE), Member

1999 to Present California Association of Accident Reconstructionist Specialists

1973 to Present Institute of Transportation Engineers

1983 to Present National Association of Professional Accident Reconstruction Specialists, Member


Expert in accident reconstruction, biomechanics, transportation, safety and civil engineering, plus business and computer applications, throughout the United States and Canada.

Accident reconstruction expert witness services have included analysis of many vehicular, pedestrian fall, railroad, building safety, amusement park, parking lot and product liability accidents, including biomechanical analysis.  Recognized as an expert in Municipal Court, Superior Court in many states plus Federal Court, in civil, criminal and worker’s compensation matters.

Transportation engineering projects have included many traffic impact studies, safety studies, parking studies, traffic signal design, pedestrian studies, aviation safety analysis  plus railroad traffic control plans.

Civil engineering projects have included designs for streets, rural highways, freeways, parking lots, bikeways, pedestrian facilities, railroads, street lights and subdivisions, plus surveying.

Computer and business applications have included time-space diagram programs, the installation of the first program in the State of California to plot collision diagrams, accident reconstruction, biomechanical analysis, economic analysis, noise analysis and business management programs.

Current and Previous Positions

1983-Present, President, Consulting Engineers Firm (Name Available upon Request)

1980-1983 Director of Engineering, Wayne T. Van Wagoner & Associates, Inc. Consulting Engineers Los Alamitos, California

1979-1980 Associate, MPA, Inc. Consulting Engineers; Fullerton, California

1973-1979 Project Engineer, Burgess & Niple, Limited, Consulting Engineers Columbus, Ohio

Papers and Presentations

Available upon request

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