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Accident Investigation Reconstructionist, Civil, Criminal, Heavy Trucks, Trailers, Motorcycles, Multi Vehicle, Head On, Side Or Rear Impact, Passenger Vans, Rollovers, Single Vehicle Accidents, Vehicle Bicycle Knockdown

Expert  is a former police officer with 9 years experience with the New York State Capital Police in Albany, New York.  For 26 years, Expert  was employed as a member of the Division of Criminal Justice Services, Office of Public Safety where he held the position of Associate Training Technician.  Expert;s responsibilities included the supervision, development and delivery of training programs for law enforcement personnel in traffic safety related programs.   Expert was involved in all aspects of traffic safety related matters inclusive of alcohol and drug detection, speed enforcement, seat belt use, driver fatigue and collision reconstruction.  While employed by DCJS-OPS he was involved in the training of state, municipal and county law enforcement officers from over 400 agencies as well as US Military personnel, in the techniques and analysis of motor vehicle collisions and accident reconstruction.  Expert was responsible for the development and delivery of collision investigation programs throughout New York State.  He also authored the training manuals for Motor Vehicle Collision Investigation currently used by NYS-DCJS-OPS.

Expert  retired from NYS in 2006 and has been providing Motor Vehicle Collision Investigation training and reconstruction consulting services for the Department of Homeland Security, US Customs and Border Protection for the last six years.  Expert has provided reconstruction assistance and testimony for numerous District Attorneys, for the New York State Attorney General’s Office and for private law firms in criminal and civil matters.  Expert has extensive experience in accident reconstruction involving civil litigation and has been recognized in numerous courts in New York, Massachusetts and New Jersey as an expert witness.

Expert  has received training in accident investigation and reconstruction from the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services, Bureau for Municipal Police, Northwestern University’s Traffic Institute of Evanston, Illinois, and at the Institute of Police Technology and Management in Jacksonville, Florida. Expert  has taught accident investigation to police officers nationally as an adjunct instructor for Northwestern University’s Traffic Institute (now know as the Center for Public Safety).

Expert  is experienced in occupant restraint systems, Event Data Recorders (EDR), occupant kinematics, vehicle dynamics, commercial vehicles, speed determination from tire marks, crush and momentum analysis, SLAM and EDCRASH computer applications, damage analysis, time distance studies, lamp examination to determine if lamps were on or off at the time of collision, tire failure indicators, low speed impacts, pedestrian and bicycle impacts, vehicle and scene photography as well as photogrammetry applications.


1980-81    SUNY Albany, Albany, New York
Center for Advanced Studies in Traffic Safety Management

1973-74    Hudson Valley Community College, Troy, New York
Criminal Justice

1968-69    Plattsburgh State University, Plattsburgh, New York
History & Political Science


1/1986 to Present
Private Company
President – Collision Reconstruction Expert – Responsibilities:
Provide collision reconstructions involving motor vehicles, commercial vehicles, motorcycles, trains, bicyclists and pedestrians. Have been recognized in local and superior courts of New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts as an expert witness in collision reconstruction.   Offer consultations to prosecution and defense counsel in criminal matters, to plaintiff and defense attorneys in civil matters, for the NYS Attorney General’s Office, consultation for private corporations and the US Department of Homeland Security-Customs Border Patrol.  Also provide motor vehicle collision investigation training to police, investigators and enforcement entities.

11/2006 to 1/2008
Strategic Response Initiatives
Training Manager for SRI – Responsibilities:
Manage, staff and develop training programs for law and security personnel.  Supervise and training contract to Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection, Critical Incident Investigation Teams.  Develop and deliver training program for CIIT members to become proficient as collision reconstruction investigators and to qualify as expert witnesses.  Assist in the development of standard operating procedures for CIIT’s and provide collision reconstruction assistance on a case by case basis.

3/1981 to 11/2006
NYS – Division of Criminal Justice Services

6/1991 to 11/2006
Associate Training Technician – Responsibilities:

  • Supervision of field training programs, staff and federal grant programs related to traffic safety.
  • Assignment and development of staff.
  • Formalization of Police Bike Patrol Course.
  • Serve as representative for DCJS on NYS Task Force on Impact of Fatigue on Driving.
  • Developed and supervised the implementation of nationally recognized statewide saturation patrols for DWI. Develop and conduct training in Accident Investigation and Reconstruction; provide reconstruction services for District Attorneys’ and law enforcement agencies.

8/1985 to 6/1991
Technical Training Supervisor – Responsibilities:

  • The research, development and implementation of police training programs.
  • The interfacing with Training Directors in planning and scheduling of Highway Safety related programs for over 600 law enforcement agencies in New York State.
  • The staff scheduling and supervision of 8 Senior Training Technicians.
  • Selecting and developing the staff for NYS-DCJS-BMP Drug Recognition Technician Program.  Serving on the NYS Drug Recognition Technician Oversight Committee, the DRE Standards Subcommittee and the DRE Site Selection Subcommittee.
  • Supervision of the Breath Test training, Impaired Driver Recognition Program, Impaired Boater Program, Breath Test Recertification Program and initial oversight of the Drug Recognition Program.  Assisting, District Attorneys with accident reconstructions and consulting with law enforcement agencies on aspects of accident reconstruction.

3/1981 to 8/1985
Senior Training Technician – Responsibilities:

  • Responsible for the instruction of multiple courses related to highway safety. Responsible for research, updating, development and presentation of specialized police training programs.  Responsible for conducting accident investigations and reconstructions for criminal prosecution at the request of District Attorneys and law enforcement agencies.
  • Responsible for monitoring police agencies for compliance to Federal Grant Guidelines.

5/1973 to 3/1981

Police Officer – Responsibilities:

  • Responsible for routine patrol of assigned areas, detection of criminal activity and prevention of violations of State laws.  Trained in accident investigation, tactical crowd control, emergency first aid and traffic enforcement.


1981-82, Crash Management Series, DCJS-BMP 128 hours
1981, Breath Test Operator, Breathalyser Maintenance, Radar Operator, DCJS-BMP 32 hours
1984, Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus & Standardized Field Sobriety Testing, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) – 32 hours
1985, On-Scene Accident Investigation, Technical Accident Investigation, Accident Reconstruction, Northwestern University Traffic Institute – 80 hours @ Evanston, Ill.
1986, Accident Photography, Institute of Police Technology and Management – 40 hours @ Jacksonville, Fla.
1987, Investigation of Commercial Vehicle Accidents, Inspection of Commercial Vehicles In Accidents, Institute of Police Technology and Management – 16 hours @ Jacksonville, Fla.
1988, Drug Recognition Expert Course, NHTSA & Los Angeles Police Department 80 hours, Drug Evaluation and Classification Instructor, NHTSA – Virginia 40 hours
1988, Tests for BAC in Highway Safety Programs, Indiana State University – Center for studies of Law In Action – 40 hours
1989, ED-Crash  – Calculation of Vehicle Speeds Based On Crush, Engineering Dynamics Corporation – 40 hours
1994, Investigation of Train Accidents, Governors’ Traffic Safety Committee – 32 hours
1995, Basic Police Bike Course, International Police Mountain Bike Association (IPMBA) – 40 hours @ San Antonio, Texas
1997, Accident Reconstruction Course I, NYS-DCJS-BMP – 80 hours; Accident Reconstruction Course II – Special Problems, NYS-DCJS-BMP – 80 hours
1998, Auto Sketch CAD, VCU, Transportation Safety Training Center, Virginia Beach, Virginia
1999, Commercial Vehicle Enforcement, NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services, NYS Department of Transportation
1999, Commercial Vehicle Weight Enforcement, NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services, NYS Department of Transportation
2000, Heavy Vehicle Crash Reconstruction, North Western Traffic Institute, Ithaca, New York
2001, Visual Statement , Advanced Collision Diagraming, Visual Statement, Kamloops, BC, Canada
2006, CSI – Vetronix, Crash Data Retrieval System Operator Training Series, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
2009, CSI – Vetronix, Crash Data Retrieval System Operator Training Series, Albany, NY


2008, Affiliate Member of Society of Automotive Engineers

2000 to 2008, Member of NYSTAR, NYS Traffic Accident Reconstruction Society, Inc.

1987 to 1994, Adjunct Instructor teaching accident investigation courses nationally for Northwestern University -Traffic Institute, Evanston, Ill.


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