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Surgical Advanced Practice Nurses Expert Witnesses

Surgical Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) are typically employed in clinical and academic settings with years of education and training related to a wide range of surgical conditions and procedures. As expert witness consultants, they bring critical experience in detailing standards of care, rendering opinions regarding competence of the health care team involved in a given case, and providing testimony to legal issues surrounding the facts presented. The primary role of this type of expert witness is to interpret both evidence-based medicine as well as nursing practices related to medical negligence or additional legal matters. The expertise APNs bring to the table includes potential liability identification throughout all stages - from pre-operative assessment through postoperative care. The comprehensive knowledge base encompasses acute physical changes associated with surgery, evaluation for complications based on recognized guidelines, protocol quality assurance techniques related to medical records review, as well as nursing abilities regarding patient monitoring during hospitalization stay postoperatively. In addition, communication skills are critical for obtaining patient histories prior to operations involving thorough interview administrative skills along with practitioner emotional maturity when interacting with patients undergoing life changing procedures. In summation; Surgical APN capable expert witnesses are equipped with nursing-related schematics combined with extensively reviewed evidence based findings which lend an indisputable resource when used during initial case evaluations or courtroom proceedings involving today’s complex litigation demands associated within this particular field.

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