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Scientific DNA evidence expert witnesses are professionals who have specialized in providing expert testimony on a range of issues related to genetic material. These experts are usually forensic scientists or medical professionals with extensive knowledge and experience in the areas of forensics, genetics and molecular biology. The job of a scientific DNA expert witness is to provide an unbiased opinion based on scientific evidence related to criminal cases where DNA evidence may be present. They serve as important resources for lawyers, investigators, and court personnel by analyzing physical evidence such as hair follicles, blood samples, saliva swabs etc. for matching characteristics and establishing ancestry links or parentage connections between people. A large portion of the work done by these experts is used in assisting with trials involving paternity suits or other cases where the validity or accuracy of a persons genetic identity must be verified. For example if two parents are going through a divorce they may utilize the services of an expert witness to arbitrate their child's genetic origin so that custody rights can be assigned accordingly. In addition scientific DNA experts are used during kidnappings when investigators would need their assistance locating missing persons through evaluation of biological evidence collected from crime scenes such as hair follicles etc. . The study and application processes involving these specialists takes many years for them to master however once qualified they can expect to make use in many fields such as criminal justice system legal arena social work research private investigations insurance claims immigration medical malpractice etc. . These individuals typically earn very high salaries because there is a limited amount of them who specialize in this area so they can keep up with demand . With advancements made everyday within this field it appears that this particular profession will remain valuable now more than ever before especially considering its critical role within our courts litigation processes respectively.
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