An expert witness in the field of healthcare case management is an individual, most commonly a professional healthcare provider such as an RN or social worker, who has specialized knowledge within the field of case management. In many cases these experts are called upon to provide testimony in legal cases related to medical decisions and resources that are managed by case managers. Expert witnesses have a variety of responsibilities that range from providing an opinions on availability and appropriateness of relevant medical resources, as well as providing insight into potential cost savings when it comes to accomplishing certain goals set forth by a management plan. Healthcare case manager expert witnesses must be able to educate and explain complex concepts related to the healthcare system so that they can advise their clients on possible courses of action. This is often very important when attempting to navigate through the healthcare bureaucracy since there may be multiple regulations at play when making decisions regarding patient care and resource utilization. The expert witness also acts as an adviser on matters concerning patient outcomes based upon collective rational decision making models and must ensure all relevant facts are taken into consideration. On top of all duties pertaining directly to their expertise within the realm of case-management, many times expert witnesses will be called upon give advice on best practices for documentation during various transactions with patients or other professionals in associated fields like occupational therapy . Proper record keeping plays a critical role in not only ensuring accurate bills are sent out but also for compliance purposes with insurance companies or health associations such as Medicare/Medicaid programs which require specific types records pertaining frequent interactions between professionals dealing with patient care plans . Furthermore , they may evaluate existing policies within any particular institution where staff under them have access to privileged information pertaining diagnosis or course treatments for respective condition being monitored throughout time . It is critical that any sort activity involving this data be handled properly secure storage mediums maintain accuracy quality standards across board.