Internal Medicine Nephrology Expert Witness
Provides Testimony In
Internal Medicine, Nephrology, Academic, Electrolyte Disorders, Fluid Disorders, Kidney Disease
Internal Medicine experts review records, provide opinion and testify at deposition or trial in all types of cases. These include addiction medicine, asthma, bedsores, decubitus ulcers, dermatology, and endocrinology. Other specialties include family medicine, environmental and occupational, medicine, and geriatric medicine. In addition, the types of cases include gastroenterology, general medicine, hematology, blood clot, anticoagulation, and pharmaceuticals. These internal medicine experts also review cases caused by medication interaction, drug interaction, causation, vaccines, accidents, collision injury, personal injury, and hepatology. This also includes hospice and palliative care hospitalist, hospital administration, internal medicine, infectious disease, oncology, pharmacology. Ultimately, the primary goal of the Internal Medicine expert witness is to provide forensic evaluation, deposition or courtroom testimony to opine standards of this industry. Consolidated Consultants has referred experts to both plaintiff and defense attorneys for many years. Please review the wide variety of expert witnesses and use the Request This Expert option to contact us. Please review the standard list and select the closest specialty. You can refine your search on the subsequent pages, including search words, location by region, selectable states, and individual states.
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Internal Medicine, Nephrology, Academic, Electrolyte Disorders, Fluid Disorders, Kidney Disease
Hospitalist, Internal Medicine, telemedicine,
Board Certified Internal Medicine, Hospitalist, Osteopathic Medicine, Preventative Health Care Physician, Family-oriented General Primary Health Care, Telemedicine, Medical Doctor
Physician Associate Internal Medicine, Physicians Assistant, Family Medicine, General Medicine, Internal Medicine
Board Certified Internal Medicine Emergency Medicine, Board Certified Internal Medicine, Board Certified Emergency Medicine, Cardiac, Trauma, Basic Life Support, Correctional Health Care, Mobile Intensive Care Paramedics,
Board Certified Internal Family Medicine, Family Practice, Internal Family Medicine Board Certified, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Geriatrics, Nursing Homes, Jail Medicine, Prison Medicine, Institutional Medicine, Wound Care, Wound Management, Decubitus Ulcers, Diabetic Foot Ulcers, Venous Stasis Ulcers, Non Healing Wounds, Osteomyelitis, Hyperbaric Oxygen, Necrotizing Fasciitis, Internal Family Medicine, General Family Practice, Hospital Medicine, General Wound Management, Hyperbaric Medicine, Pressure Ulcers, Bedsores, Correctional Medicine,
Psychiatric Physician Associate, Psychiatric PA Psychiatric P A, Emergency Room, Psychiatric Emergency Room, Psychiatric Assessments, Psychiatric Emergency Room Physician Associate, Psych Emergency Room PA, Psych ER PA, Psych ER Physicians Assistant, Psych, ER, Intervention, Psych Treatments, Psych Illnesses, Acute Psychiatric Illnesses, Acute Psych Illnesses, Mental Illness, Developmental Disabilities, Mental Retardation, Autism, Psychiatric Problems
Correctional Medicine, Corrections Department Medical Director, Board Certified Internist, Corrections General Health, Corrections Emergency Care, Corrections Specialty Care, Corrections Psychiatric Services, Corrections Obstetric Services, Corrections Gynecologic Services, Corrections Dental, Corrections Optometry, Corrections Physical Therapy
Surgical Physicians Assistant, Surgical, Physician Associate, PA, PA, Surgical Consults, Post op, Postoperative, post op, OR, Operating Room, General Surgery PA, General Surgery Physicians Assistant, Urology Physicians Assistant, Urology PA
Physicians Assistant, scope of practice, standard of care, regulations, aesthetics, medispas, injectables, box, fillers, laser, noninvasive procedures, PA C, Cosmetic Dermatology, Aesthetic Procedures, Family Practice, Occupational Medicine, Ophthamic Surgery, Womens Health, Plastic Surgery
Rehabilitation Facility Nurse Practitioner, Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice Nurse Practitioner, Womens Health, Community Health, Nurse Practitioner, RN, RN Nurse Manager of Rehabilitation Facility, Rehabilitation, Orthopedics, Orthopaedics, Cardiac, Neurosurgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Orthopaedic Surgery, Extremity Casts, Ace Wraps, Cast Saws, Cast Application, Cast Removal, STD, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Herpes, Genital Herpes, RPR, HIV, Family Practice, Hypertension, Diabetes, HSV1, Herpes Simplex Virus, HSV2, Obesity, Numbness, Tingling, Ear, Nose, Throat, Chest, Cardiac Surgery, Bypass Surgery, Neuro Surgery, Spinal Implants, Discectomy, Instrumentation, Sterility, Gloving, Gowning, Blood Pressure, Rehabilitation, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Rehab Nursing, Medication, Charting, General Surgery, Implants, Bedsores, Bowel Movements, Catheters, Catheter, Wound Care, Wound, Bandages, Vac Pack, DVT, CVA, MVA, HTN, SOB, IDDM, NIDDM, CHF, CAD, PE, Medical Record Review
Jail Medicine, Jail Correctional Medical Director Osteopathic Doctor, Jail Correctional Medical Director Correctional Medicine, Prisoner Medicine, Prison Medicine, Jail Medical Director, Nursing Home Care, Geriatrics, Hospital Medical Administration, Occupational Health, Public Health, Tuberculosis, TB, HIV, Environmental Health, Ambulatory Care Medicine, Physician Credentialing, Urgent Care, Osteopathic, Covid 19, Coronavirus, Consent decrees, California Prison System Covid Litigation in jails and prisons, Jail receiverships, Physician monitor for Judicial Consent, Healthcare for Philadelphia Department of Prisons
Board Certified Nursing Science, Family Nurse Practitioner, Womens Health, Phlebotomy, Agriculture, Dairy Science, Microbiology, Food Science, ACLS, PALS, NALS, Health Care Womens Health, Aerobic Program, Geriatric, Oncology, HIV, STD, Postpartum, OB GYN, ICU, Rehab, Telemetry, Blood Drawl,
Family Medicine, Urgent Care, Osteopathic, Board Certified Osteopathic Family Medicine Urgent Care Expert Witness, Medical Doctor
Board Certified Family Physician, Hospitalist, Civil Surgeon, Outpatient, Inpatient, Hospital, Nursing Home, Rehab, Geriatrics, Wrongful Death, Life Care, Personal Injury, Mental Status Evaluation, Estate Allocations, End of Life Care
Medical Board Certifications: Addiction Medicine , American Board of Preventive Medicine, General Preventive Medicine and Public Health, American Board of Preventive Medicine, Medical Review Officer (MRO) Certification, Medical Review Officer Certification Council, Basic Life Support, American Heart Association, Certified Correctional Health, Professional, National Commission on Correctional Health Care, National Incident Management System (NIMS) Training for Public Health Departments, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Incident Command System (ICS-1000) Training for Public Health Departments Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Medical Licenses: Alabama, Arizona, District of Columbia, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Washington, & Wyoming.
Jail, Prison, Correctional Medicine, Medical Director, addiction, overdose, withdrawal, family medicine, medication assisted therapy, buprenorphine, methadone, substance abuse, deliberate indifference, medical doctor, tuberculosis, covid 19, coronavirus
Law enforcement, Policing, Municipal, County, Tribal, Military, Police Internal Affairs, Police Policy, Procedure, Police Use of Force, Failure to protect
Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Homicide, Child Abuse (Physical and Sexual), Fraud and Embezzlement, Police Misconduct, Stalking Inappropriate Pursuit, Police Internal Affairs Investigations, Financial Crimes, Threat Assessment and Management, Psychological Testing, Child Custody Police Policy and Procedure, Employee Misconduct, Mental Illness Police Failure to Protect, Sexual Harassment, Police Use of Force, Vehicle Pursuit Policy and Practice, Traffic Collision Investigations, Law Enforcement Training, Law Enforcement Hiring Policy & Practice, Police Report Writing, Officer Involved Shootings, Police Pre-Employment Investigations, Police Pattern and Practice, False Arrest, Police Negligence and Failure to Supervise, Fitness for Duty, Hostile Work Environments, Police Administration, Police Press Information, Hostage Negotiations, Mass Shooting, Active Shooters, Interview and Interrogation, School & Workplace, Shooting & Violence, Domestic Terrorism, Sexual Abuse, Teacher SexualAbuse, Violence Prediction and Prevention
Law Enforcement, Child Abuse, Physical Sexual Abuse, Neglect, Endangerment, Domestic Violence, Stalking, Restraining Orders, Elder Abuse, Criminal Threats, Background Investigations, Internal Affairs Investigations, Homeland Security, School Place Violence, Workplace Violence, Police Procedures, Criminal Justice, Narcotics, Criminology, Procedures Of Patrol, Threat Assesment, Police Expert, Child Protective Services, Detective, Detective Sergant, DCFS, Department Of Children And Family Services, Special Victims Unit, SVU, Sexual Violence, Investigations, Administrative Investigations, Sheriff’s Department, Police Officer, Policy Development,
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