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Collisions Expert Witnesses

A collision expert witness is an individual who has specialized knowledge and expertise in the field of accident reconstruction and collision analysis. They are called upon to provide their professional opinion and testimony regarding the circumstances, causation, and factors surrounding a collision or accident. In relation to law enforcement corrections, a collisions expert witness can be engaged by either the prosecution or the defense in criminal cases involving traffic offenses or accidents. For law enforcement agencies, a collisions expert witness can serve as an invaluable resource during investigations. They can thoroughly analyze physical evidence from the scene of an accident, such as tire marks, vehicle damage patterns, and debris distribution to reconstruct what happened leading up to and during the collision. By doing so, they can help determine factors including speed at impact, driver behavior, vehicle dynamics, visibility conditions, and contributing factors like road conditions or mechanical failures. In terms of corrections within law enforcement settings, a collisions expert witness may play a role in assessing incidents that occur inside correctional facilities involving motorized vehicles. For instance, if there's an accident involving a transport van carrying inmates or staff members within prison premises that result in injuries or fatalities,the expertise of such witnesses may be required to understand how it occurred properly. Overall, the role of a collisions expert witness is crucial for law enforcement agencies involved in investigations related to traffic offenses occurring both on public roads and within prison facilities. Their testimonies offer valuable insights into understanding complex collision scenarios by analyzing scientific data objectively through their specialized technical knowledge and years of experience working in this field.

Showing 12 from 12 results

Accident Reconstruction Expert Witness

Expert Number: 5321 | 
State: AZ 

Provides Testimony In

Private Investigations, Accident Investigation, Vehicle Examination, Criminal Law, Commercial Vehicle Reconstruction, Accident Site Measurement, Scene Analysis, Speed Computations, Scale Diagramming, Vehicle Black Box Downloads, 3D Animation, Comprehensive Reporting, Investigate Collisions, Serious Injury or Death, Felony Crimes, Impaired Driving, Traffic Enforcement, Railway Grade Collision Investigations, Technical Collision Investigation, Pedestrian/Bicycle Collisions, Investigation of Motorcycle Crashes, Forensic Mapping, On Scene Traffic Homicide Investigation

Maritime Boating Accident Investigator Expert Witness

Expert Number: 2657 | 
State: OR 

Provides Testimony In

Accredited Marine Surveyor, Maritime Investigation, Boating Accidents, Forensic Civil Engineer specializing in marine waterfront investigations marine surveyor, docks, piers, marinas, waterfront structures, boating safety, navigation, dredging, Coast Guard requirements, Boating skills Seamanship, Fire Arson investigation, damaged cargo inspection, diving underwater investigation, marine engineering,commercial fishing boats accidents, rules of the road violations, Jones Act accidents,Marine Electrical Technician, Marine Corrosion Technician, Marine Gas Engine Technician, Marine Systems Technician,Search Rescue, Deck Watch Officer, Navigation Rules, Boating Skills Seamanship specialist, Advanced Coastal Navigation, Weather Specialist, Piloting Specialist, Patrols Specialist, Communications Specialist, Vessel Examiner, Boat Crew Member, Coxswain, PWC Operator, Team Coordination Training, Title 46 Commercial Fishing Vessel Examiner,

Truck Auto Pedestrian Collision Expert Witness

Expert Number: 3225 | 
State: CA 

Provides Testimony In

Pedestrian Collision Reconstruction, Bicycle Collision Reconstruction, Pedestrian Automobile Collision Reconstruction, Bicycle Automobile Collision Reconstruction Computer Assisted Traffic Accident Reconstruction, Forensic Mapping, Total Station, Industrial Accidents, Industrial Accident Investigation, Law Enforcement Accidents, Truck Accidents, Automobile Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Bicycle Accidents, Pedestrian Accidents, Motorcycle Crashes, Police City internal administrative fact finding investigations, Internal investigations

Law Enforcement Standard Of Care Expert Witness

Expert Number: 5069 | 
State: AZ 

Provides Testimony In

Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Homicide, Child Abuse (Physical and Sexual), Fraud and Embezzlement, Police Misconduct, Stalking Inappropriate Pursuit, Police Internal Affairs Investigations, Financial Crimes, Threat Assessment and Management, Psychological Testing, Child Custody Police Policy and Procedure, Employee Misconduct, Mental Illness Police Failure to Protect, Sexual Harassment, Police Use of Force, Vehicle Pursuit Policy and Practice, Traffic Collision Investigations, Law Enforcement Training, Law Enforcement Hiring Policy & Practice, Police Report Writing, Officer Involved Shootings, Police Pre-Employment Investigations, Police Pattern and Practice, False Arrest, Police Negligence and Failure to Supervise, Fitness for Duty, Hostile Work Environments, Police Administration, Police Press Information, Hostage Negotiations, Mass Shooting, Active Shooters, Interview and Interrogation, School & Workplace, Shooting & Violence, Domestic Terrorism, Sexual Abuse, Teacher SexualAbuse, Violence Prediction and Prevention

Law Enforcement Standard of Care Expert Witness

Expert Number: 5078 | 
State: AZ 

Provides Testimony In

Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Teacher Sexual Abuse, Child Abuse (Physical and Sexual), Embezzlement, Police Misconduct Stalking and Inappropriate Pursuit, Police Internal Affairs Investigations, Financial Crimes, Threat Assessment and Management, Child Custody, Domestic Terrorism Police Policy and Procedure, Employee Misconduct, Mental Illness, Police Failure to Protect , Sexual Harassment, Police Use of Force Vehicle Pursuit Policy and Practice, Traffic Collison Investigations, Law Enforcement Training Law Enforcement Hiring and Practice, Police Report Writing , Officer Involved Shootings Police Pre-Employment Investigations, Police Pattern and Practice, False Arrest, Police Negligence and Failure to Supervise, Fitness for Duty, Hostile Work Environments, Mass Shooting, Active Shooters, Interview and Interrogation School and Workplace Violence, Violence Prediction and Prevention, Digital Forensic Best Practices, Cell Phone Forensic Best Practices, Police K-9 Use and Policies, Traffic Collision Investigations Business Valuation, Capital Investment, Crisis Management, Fiduciary Duties of Officers & Board Members, Interview & Interrogation, Business Receivership, Financial Fraud in Business Contract, Employment matters, Mergers and Acquisitions, Public Safety via Environmental Design, Campus Safety via Environmental Design

Fire Cause Origin Explosion Investigator Expert Witness

Expert Number: 2750 | 
State: VA 

Provides Testimony In

Fire Cause Origin Explosion Investigator, Board Certified Fire Explosion Investigator, Certified Fire Scene Investigator, Certified Vehicle Fire Investigator, Certified Explosion Investigator, Certified Fire Investigator Instructor, Certification in Burn Pattern Recognition, Certification in Burn Identification, Fire Investigation, Arson Investigation, Explostion Investigation, Field Fire, Fire Scene Evidence Removal, Explosive, Fire Science, Live Oil Well Fires, Certified Fire Investigator,

Nursing Corrections Emergency School Health Expert Witness

Expert Number: 371 | 
State: CA 

Provides Testimony In

General Nursing Practices and Standards, Correctional Health Care, Deliberate Indifference, Emergency Nursing Practices, School Nursing, School Health, First- Aid Emergencies, Medical Surgical General Nursing Practice, Pediatrics, Gerontology, Decubitus Ulcers/Bedsores/Basic Wound Care, Phlebotomy/Blood Drawl, Corrections, Public Health, Administration Office and Hospital Policies.

Showing 12 from 12 results