An attacks expert witness relating to animal and entomology is a professional who possesses specialized knowledge in the study of animal behavior, specifically focusing on predatory attacks and interactions between animals and insects. These experts are called upon to provide their expertise in legal cases or investigations involving incidents where animals attack humans or other animals. The role of an attacks expert witness is to analyze the circumstances surrounding the incident, such as the location, behavior of the animal involved, environmental factors, and any relevant entomological factors. They may conduct field research, collect data, examine physical evidence, and review documentation related to the case. By evaluating these factors from an unbiased scientific perspective, they can provide insights into why the attack occurred and assess whether negligence or other factors contributed to it. In court proceedings or legal investigations, an attacks expert witness presents their findings through written reports or testify under oath. Their testimony helps educate judges, juries, lawyers, and other involved parties about complex concepts related to animal behavior and entomology. They may also be asked to provide recommendations for preventative measures that could reduce future risks associated with similar incidents.