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Adolescent Medicine Expert Witnesses

Adolescent Medicine Expert Witnesses focus on the healthcare needs of adolescents. They provide expert testimony in cases involving medical treatment, adolescent behavior, and developmental issues. Adolescent Medicine Expert Witnesses are knowledgeable about the unique medical and psychological challenges faced by teenagers. These experts offer insights into the diagnosis and management of conditions common in adolescence, such as eating disorders, substance abuse, and mental health issues. Adolescent Medicine Expert Witnesses help courts understand the impact of medical decisions on the well-being of young patients. Their testimony is crucial in cases involving medical malpractice or child welfare. Adolescent Medicine Expert Witnesses also advise on best practices for treating adolescents, ensuring that healthcare providers meet the specific needs of this age group. They contribute to developing policies and protocols that improve adolescent health outcomes. Adolescent Medicine Expert Witnesses are essential in promoting the health and well-being of adolescents through their expertise.

Showing 9 from 9 results

Pediatric Medicine Expert Witness

Expert Number: 899 | 
State: CA 

Provides Testimony In

Board Certified Pediatrician Adolescent Medicine, Pediatrician, Board Certified Pediatrics, Board Certified General Preventive Medicine, Adolescent Medicine, Review Cases For Merit, Administrative Medicine Medical Groups, Administrative Medicine HMO & Hospitals, Young Adult Medicine, College Health, STD, Pediatric Toxins, Child Physical Abuse, Child Sexual Abuse, Public Health, Attorney, Medical Director, Managed Care, Medical Groups, Medical Administration, Child Abuse

Psychopharmacologist Expert Witness

Expert Number: 552 | 
State: CA 

Provides Testimony In

Psychopharmacologist, Psychopharmacology, Psychiatry, Psychiatrist, Suicide, Suicidology, Suicide Root Cause, Neurologic Behavior, Behavioral Medicine, Neurology, Antidepressant, Chemistry, Drug Interactions, Body Chemistry, Psychiatric Medication, Tranquillizers, Antidepressants, Antipsychotic Agents, Manic Depressive Medications, Schizophrenia Medications, Hallucinogens, Opiates, Nicotine, Caffeine, Psychomotor Stimulants, Inhalants, Anabolic Androgenic Steroids, Psychopharacology, Correctional Medicine

Forensic Psychology Expert Witness

Expert Number: 2348 | 
State: CA 

Provides Testimony In

Educational Psychology, Special Education, Forensic Psychology, Cognitive Psychotherapy, Strategies for Therapeutic Success, Anxiety Disorders, Memory Creativity and Madness, Mysteries of the Mind, Health Related Pleasures, New Advances in Cognitive Therapy, Beck, Beyond Prozac, Psychotherapy Under Managed Care: Outcomes – Oriented Treatments of Choice, Ancient Healing and Modern Medicine, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. Shapiro, Cognitive Therapy of Personality Disorders, Complex Marital Cases, and Inpatient Depression, Dynamics Of The Self: An Integrative Approach to Psychotherapy, Clinical Hypnosis, Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety, Phobias and Depression, Cerebral Dominance CorText, Rational Emotive Therapy, Education Workshops, Gifted Education Program, Comprehensive Mental Health, Program Monitor and Evaluator Preschool Program for Learning Disabled Children, Aural Education of Young Deaf Children, Research and Sabbatical, Auditory Discrimination in the Educable Mentally Retarded, Psychoeducational Intervention for Adult Unipolar Depression, Articulation: Goals Under Laboratory Leadership (SEAGULL), Handicapped Children’s Stress Level and Parental Management, Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity,

Showing 9 from 9 results